Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Natural Cure For Constipation

It is a well known fact that with the current diet that almost everyone is on, either you or someone you love has a constipation problem. I always had constipation. Today, I have regular bowel movements. What helped me is a combination of several dietary options.

A lot of you might think that a regular bowel movement of once or twice a week is normal. Some of you might even think that a regular bowel movement of once a day is normal. The truth of the matter is that you should have a bowel movement for every major meal that you have eaten the day before. Let's say that in a particular day you eat two meals. If you have no constipation problems, the next day should have you do two bowel movements. If it was one meal, then you would have one bowel movement the next day.

Constipation is usually the cause of most major illnesses. Toxic matter that has not left your system within a day will end up in your blood stream. Your liver will eventually absorb and store the toxins. In time, your liver can get damaged and will not be able to clean your blood properly. This will lead to all sorts of diseases and problems including heart attack and cancer. That is why fecal matter needs to leave your system as soon as possible to reduce the amount of toxins entering your blood.

What can you do to prevent constipation from happening? How do you go about making this happen? What dietary changes must you accomplish to be able to have regular bowel movements throughout the day? Which foods and drinks should you avoid to help reduce the amount of constipation? Should you be taking fiber drinks throughout the day?

One of the most important things you should be doing once you wake up in the morning is drink a full 8-16 oz of pure, filtered, warm water. Make sure that it is warm, since cold water will contribute to constipation. After drinking the water, you will have to wait for about 1 hour before you eat or drink anything else. This will allow the water to help flush your system and push the fecal matter out. Eating immediately after waking up will dry up your fecal matter more and make it more difficult for your system to flush itself. The more water is in your system, the softer your fecal matter will be. The longer the fecal matter stays in your system, the drier it will become since your body will continuously absorb the moisture in it. For most people, doing just that will help them immensely. This could be just the thing to prevent constipation.

There are a lot of coffee drinkers in the world. Coffee has the effect of drying your system. You might not feel thirsty after a cup of coffee but your body will definitely feel it. Your intestines contain a lot of water and in time this will cause the water to be absorbed and will end up causing constipation. You should stop drinking coffee if you can. Remember that you are trying to eat and drink healthy. Do not let yourself be fooled into thinking that coffee is good for you. If you want an alternative to coffee, I would suggest that you drink tea. Herbal tea would be better and healthier than regular tea.

Eating a lot of fruits during the day will greatly reduce your chances of having constipation. Most fruits are full of natural fiber. An added benefit of eating fruits is the amount of vitamins that they contain. Make sure that you eat your fruits on an empty stomach or when you haven't eaten for at least one hour. The body is able to digest the fruits very quickly. Eating any kind of fat with fruits is not healthy since the body needs a lot more time to digest the fats and this will cause the fruits to take a long time to digest. Fruits that stay in your stomach for a long time will start to ferment.

You should reduce or eliminate your meat and poultry consumption. Both have been linked to colon cancer. The reason is that eating a lot of meat and chicken would have you eat less fibrous foods and since they are devoid of fiber, constipation will occur. If you still want to eat these foods due to their protein content, you can try to limit their consumption to once or twice a week. Make sure that you eat a lot of fibrous foods during that day. Remember that fruits contain the best and healthiest source of protein.

Eating your vegetables during the day will dramatically increase your consumption of fiber. Your main meal should consist mainly of vegetables, preferably raw. Raw foods contain a lot of enzymes that help digest your food. So, make sure that you eat your raw vegetables just before any cooked foods to help your body digest your food.

One of the most important things you could do to help with your constipation problem is to do regular exercise. Try to allocate at least half an hour three or more times a week for your exercise sessions. Body movement exercise is essential for solving your constipation problem. By doing regular exercise, you help stimulate your intestinal muscles that push your stools out.

All of these suggestions can help prevent constipation. Even if you try at least some of what I suggest, it will help a little. Do not let yourself be constipated for long periods of time. Do not use pills to relieve your constipation as most have side effects that can damage your organs. Do not use fiber drinks except for short periods of time as this will have your body get used to it. Why pay to get fiber when it is available naturally in fruits and vegetables.

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