Sunday, November 30, 2008

Healthy Colon Equals Healthy Body

Your parents always told you to brush your teeth everyday, wash your hands before dinner and after using the bathroom, take a bath or shower, basically they where telling you to keep your outside clean. What they forgot to teach you is that keeping clean inside is just as important. In fact a growing number of health practitioners are encouraging their clients to look at herbal supplements, diets high in fiber rich foods, and colon cleansing for a healthy body.

Cleansing is a simple concept. For nutrients we consume to be absorbed and used properly the colon needs to be thoroughly cleansed and toxins regularly removed. A colon cleanse can help to remove the toxic material and allow the intestines and colon to perform at its peak.

Anything stopping the body from absorbing the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, amino acids, ect) will impact your bodies systems and can lead to:

Occasional Constipation
Bloating and Gas
Fatigue and Moodiness
Weight Gain
And more

Bowl movements are not part of the conversations around the water cooler or even among family members. So those who experience less frequent eliminations many times are too afraid to talk about the problem with their health care provider. In fact up to $725 million is spent on OTC laxatives yearly to correct the troubles.

Most of us eat three meals a day. Then you eat it causes the large intestine to begin contractions to move your previous meals through the colon for elimination. Your food should only be in your system 12 - 24 hrs. So after breakfast your body should naturally begin to move yesterdays breakfast out of your body. Being 'Regular' is having bowel movements each day, not just the once a day or even every other day like many people suffer with.

One key to good colon health is a diet consisting of raw whole foods. Food like fruits and vegetables, nut and whole grains are naturally high in fiber and enzymes to help the digestion process. The fiber adds bulk to our diet which helps food and waste move through our digestive system. The average person only consumes 13 or fewer grams of fiber daily while the Recommended Daily Intake is up to 38 grams per day. It is easy to see why we spend so much money on OTC products to help us out.

A second key to good colon health is good clean water. Water is absorbed by the fiber and keeps our bowels hydrated. This is important because dehydration can lead to occasional constipation or to even more serious problems. Adequate water intake helps to keep the flow of materials through the colon, helps to dilute and remove toxins, and helps you to feel fuller.

To get more information on colon cleansing or any of 600 other products Please visit my web site at

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Irritable Bowel Disease

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