Sunday, November 23, 2008

Does Your Colon Send You Messages Through Unconventional Channels?

Unfortunately your colon can speak because if it could it would send you a variety of messages. These messages could run from: "Thank you for be so careful with your diet. The clean and healthy diet that you have adhered to, based on proteins such as fresh vegetables and fruits, chicken and fish and little or no red meat, especially fatty meat is making my job a lot easier.

The fact that you take regular exercise and drink a lot of fresh water makes it so easy that I feel so good all of the time. And when you have me flushed once a year it feels like my birthday present. Keep up the good work!" says the healthy colon. Or another could run "Hello up there! Are you on a suicide mission? This constant diet of grease and toxins is making my situation untenable.

And the fact that you rarely if ever adhere to a regiment of enough exercise or help me in any way to perform the important functions to keep your digestive system in order, then I will have to send you a series of messages to let you know that I am unhappy with your part of the arrangement. And remember that I am only doing this for your own welfare. Because if you continue to abuse your delicately balanced digestive system, the whole situation could rebound on you."

So what does a colon do to send out signals that all is not well down below?

One sure signal is a sudden outbreak of spotty skin, usually on the face and sometimes on the back. Those of us that thought the adolescence was well behind them will receive a rude reminder that a blocked colon can cause just as a bad attack as any hormone. Other nasty side effects can be diarrhea, constipation or the most "in your face" symptom of them all; constant and ongoing flatulence. This is not only unpleasant it can also be highly embarrassing. A combined vocal and nasal attack on the senses.

So when we receive these warning messages, they should be immediately regarded as a signal to start anew on a new dietary and exercise regime. And to say thanks to the colon for letting you know that all was not right, then a good colon flushing is the nearest thing to a kind word you can give.

George Christodoulou

For more information about proper colon function, please visit for one of the most comprehensive colon cleansing systems on the market today. You will learn about preparing for a colon cleansing, enzymes, probiotics, hydrothrapy, fiber, dieting, and more! -

Metastatic Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Stage
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