Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ayurveda - Oneness of the Body and Soul

Ayurveda has a concept of mental and spiritual body. It is as necessary to take care of them as it is to take care of our physical body. Just by following some techniques of cleaning and rejuvenating, without remembering about the mind and spirit, is useless. It will just be a waste of time.

Taking care of his material covering, a person only gets to the first step of Ayurvedic knowledge. However, Ayurveda also has a concept of mental and spiritual body. It is as necessary to take care of them as it is to take care of our physical body.

Just by following some techniques of cleaning and rejuvenating, without remembering about the mind and spirit, is useless. It will just be a waste of time. Only by progressing spiritually, we can be sure that this knowledge will be achieved. On the other hand, taking care of our spiritual and mental state depends on how well we take care of our physical covering.

If a person will try to achieve stability in the processes of his organism, then, as a result, he will achieve harmony in his thoughts. In Ayurveda, body and spirit are so connected, and they affect each other so much that it is impossible to find out which substance is first and which is second.

Ayurveda has never been dogmatic and it values a persons right to choose. This science is work, which was taken voluntarily, its goal is to find out what is what is healthy and what is not. It is advice, which suggests you to follow certain rules and regulations.

However, we dont burn those, who dont want to follow the right way. A person has a right to violate the day regime, and he can lead a night life. However, he has to know that this doesnt increase his health, it usually does the opposite. Ayurvedic science respects everyone, even those, who are very mistaken. It also respects his right to choose.

In any case, a person has to have an inner filter, which filters the achieved knowledge and takes the information you need. Otherwise, the karmic reactions will be very heavy for those, who want to follow the laws of nature.

More on Russian Ayurveda you'll find on our websites - Vedablog and Vedabook

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