Sunday, November 30, 2008

How To Look And Feel Better With Colon Cleansing

It sometimes amazes me as to how ignorant the human race has become recently that despite repeated warnings through various channels we are unable to change the way we lead our lives! Our attitude in general is grossly lackadaisical over what we eat and drink. It is thus no surprise that our average lifespan is considerably shortening compared to our forefathers!

While there has been lot of talk about heart disease, strokes, cancers, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure not one of us stop to think about our colons. That the colon is sitting at the top of the health risk fails to draw our attention given the fact that whatever we eat or drink has to pass through the colon. The colon is responsible for detoxifying our body by way of eliminating the junk that we consume. It is thus no surprise that colon health should also get an equal importance as the diseases mentioned before.

Have we ever wondered what the reason was for the top shape of ancient Egyptians? Have we ever wondered what made Cleopatra so beautiful? The answer lies in colon cleansing. It is not a big secret about the beauty of the Hollywood celebrities. Regular colon cleansing (at least once a year) is at the root of their glowing skin, perfectly shaped bodies and exquisite physique. Only the select few who keep to the advice of getting their colon cleaned at least once a year are in top shape physically.

It is important to note that unlike other parts of the body that are exposed, the colon is often overlooked. The popular reason being "no one talks about it" or are very embarrassed to talk about it. The reason the skin is still smooth and not dotted with pimples, rashes, or boils is because the toxicity level in the bowel has not reached a critical level. When these toxic levels are reached and the colon loses its ability to handle the toxic substances problems crop up.

How does one go about the act of colon cleansing? There are various ways the colon can be cleansed such as hydrotherapy, the use of enemas and laxatives. One of the best ways to do colon cleansing is by way of natural or herbal products. These clean out the colon naturally without having to insert anything into the body and hence invading the "insides". The natural colon cleansers are gentle and safe without any dangerous side effects. They are formulated to maximize waste elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.

I was very embarrassed to do a colon cleansing but after reading many topics on the internet on the subject I have been convinced that in order to have a healthier life colon cleansing is the way to go. One or two colon cleansing per year is now a definite yes for me.

Read more about colon cleansing, its benefits and the various products available at

Colon Cancer Risk
Colon Cancer Diagnosis
Stage 4 Colon Cancer

Healthy Colon Equals Healthy Body

Your parents always told you to brush your teeth everyday, wash your hands before dinner and after using the bathroom, take a bath or shower, basically they where telling you to keep your outside clean. What they forgot to teach you is that keeping clean inside is just as important. In fact a growing number of health practitioners are encouraging their clients to look at herbal supplements, diets high in fiber rich foods, and colon cleansing for a healthy body.

Cleansing is a simple concept. For nutrients we consume to be absorbed and used properly the colon needs to be thoroughly cleansed and toxins regularly removed. A colon cleanse can help to remove the toxic material and allow the intestines and colon to perform at its peak.

Anything stopping the body from absorbing the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, amino acids, ect) will impact your bodies systems and can lead to:

Occasional Constipation
Bloating and Gas
Fatigue and Moodiness
Weight Gain
And more

Bowl movements are not part of the conversations around the water cooler or even among family members. So those who experience less frequent eliminations many times are too afraid to talk about the problem with their health care provider. In fact up to $725 million is spent on OTC laxatives yearly to correct the troubles.

Most of us eat three meals a day. Then you eat it causes the large intestine to begin contractions to move your previous meals through the colon for elimination. Your food should only be in your system 12 - 24 hrs. So after breakfast your body should naturally begin to move yesterdays breakfast out of your body. Being 'Regular' is having bowel movements each day, not just the once a day or even every other day like many people suffer with.

One key to good colon health is a diet consisting of raw whole foods. Food like fruits and vegetables, nut and whole grains are naturally high in fiber and enzymes to help the digestion process. The fiber adds bulk to our diet which helps food and waste move through our digestive system. The average person only consumes 13 or fewer grams of fiber daily while the Recommended Daily Intake is up to 38 grams per day. It is easy to see why we spend so much money on OTC products to help us out.

A second key to good colon health is good clean water. Water is absorbed by the fiber and keeps our bowels hydrated. This is important because dehydration can lead to occasional constipation or to even more serious problems. Adequate water intake helps to keep the flow of materials through the colon, helps to dilute and remove toxins, and helps you to feel fuller.

To get more information on colon cleansing or any of 600 other products Please visit my web site at

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Irritable Bowel Disease

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Do What Your Body Needs - A Natural Colon Cleanse

Most people wonder where they should start when they are ready to start improving their health. There is so much information on getting healthy and every practitioner or health guru wants you to start with their program. So here's what do you need to do and where you'll find this information.

If you go back and read many of the books written during the 50' to 80's you will find that most of the natural health healers always recommended you start with the colon.

If you go to your health food store you will find numerous colon cleansing products and in health magazine you will finds many advertisements on colonics.

If you first concentration on improving your colon health, you will do your whole body a favor and you will start to feel and be healthier. Because your colon serves your whole body with nutrients and information, you can make a big impact on becoming healthier.

Every part of your body is reflected in the colon. This means that every spot on the colon corresponds to some part of the body. It is through this spot that nutrients and information is sent to that part of the body. Can you imagine if that spot that represents your brain is filled with toxic matter and filled with layer after layer of toxic material that has built up over the years.

When the brain spot on your colon is corrupted, then toxins move readily into your brain and in addition traumatic life incident can readily move into the brain and settle there forever. The toxins in the brain make you senile in old age and the traumatic feeling can activate a heart attack when your heart immune system weakens.

Can you then imagine all parts of your colon walls being covered with toxic matter or being constantly exposed to toxic matter that stays there for 3-5 days because you were constipated? You could expect toxins to be flooding all parts of your body and weaken those parts to the point of failure when you get older.

It is my opinion that if you do anything for your health that you concentrate colon cleansing. This can be done by always eating and living a lifestyle that gives you a natural colon cleanse. Here are three things that you can do as a natural colon cleansing.

1. Change the way that you eat and not what you eat by helping your body during its normal body cycles. The body detoxifies from 8 am to noon, so don't eat any heavy food during this period. Eat only fruits and vegetables and their juices. This helps to detoxify your colon and other areas of your body.

2. Eat more fiber since this helps to keep your colon clean and free of constipation and of other disease. Get your fiber from fruits and vegetables. For those of you that are over 60, since you may have diverticulosis, avoid these foods, seeds, nuts, black berries, cucumber, tomatoes, wheat, and rye. Avoid those foods with seeds since they my get lodged in the diverticula pockets and cause inflammation.

3. Use a colon cleanse once a year that helps to dissolve built up toxins along the colon walls. Once such product is Oxypowder.

Keeping your colon in good health is your key to your overall health. Plan to remove toxic matter from your colon. Eat a diet high in fiber to keep your colon strong and healthy. And, assist your body to detoxify by eating foods and liquids that digest quickly from 8 am to noon.

Rudy Silva is nutritionist that specializes in using natural remedies for better health. For more information and tips on colon health go to: or for free tips on constipation relief got to: or for audio books on health go to:

Colon Cancer Chemotherapy
Colon Cancer Cure
Diseases Of The Colon

Friday, November 28, 2008

Colon Cleansing Pills

Research has found that any average person contains about five to twenty pounds of waste that is accumulated in their colons. This is the reason why one can find literally hundreds of advertisements telling about the dangers of deadly toxins that can lead to parasite build up and ultimately colon cancer. One reality that we cannot run away from in today's modern world is the increasing amount of pollution coupled with bad food habits. Since it is impossible to eliminate these dangerous chemicals, it is therefore prudent to find some kind of means to detoxify the body. This is where colon cleansing pills come in to the picture.

With the increasing instance of colon cancer throughout the world, no wonder there are literally thousands of colon cleansing pills available that have flooded the market. From laxatives to enema to eastern medicines, they are dime a dozen. Although the ultimate option rests with the individual, it is always recommended that you consult a qualified physician before trying any of these products.

Most of the colon-cleansing products claim to fix your problems immediately. One should always be careful with colon cleansing pills, because you owe it to yourself to use the best products. It is always preferable that you seek the help of a medical professional when it comes to choosing colon-cleansing pills. For instance, there is always the danger of overusing a particular pill. A laxative or enema may sometimes cause the colon to lose its ability to empty normally. This is one of the reasons why pills with natural ingredients are finding an increasing number of takers in the market. Since they do not leave any harmful side effects, they are becoming very popular. Still, it is always preferable that you check out on the formula, before using them.

Colon Cleansing provides detailed information on Colon Cleansing, Natural Colon Cleansing, Colon Cleansing Products, Colon Detox Cleansing and more. Colon Cleansing is affiliated with Colon Cancer Treatment.

Signs Of Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Signs
Colon Cancer Test

Colon Cancer Is Caused By Two Genes

After researchers discovered another colon cancer gene, the second so far, they concluded that they have found the causes of over 90 percent of the disease in its inherited form.

Every year 156,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer and six of those cases are caused by those two genes together. In the same time, around 30 percent of non inherited cases are caused by these two genes of colon cancer.

It is expected that in the near future researchers will come out with some new tests to identify the presence of these genes in an individual and if either one of these is found, doctors can do tumor checks more frequently permitting them to discover them earlier while they can still be surgically removed. With this new knowledge it is assumed that over 90 percent of all that cases caused by inherited colon cancer can be evoited.

Researchers are confident that this new discovery will lead to new anticancer drugs in a very short time period, a period of two to five years.

The genes are found on different chromosomes, but both of them act almost in the same way, being just like a guardian checking every new piece of synthesized DNA to make sure that no mutations appeared. But, if one of these genes is corrupted the new synthesized DNA pieces will be altered really bad and you will develop cancer as a result. Usually inherited cancer appears at the age of 50.

Thanks to these new discoveries new screening tests will be available for the general population. Most specialists agree that this is a huge step for the medical science resulting in the saving of countless lives and a great cost reduction in the medical system.

One of these genes is present in about 1 every 200 people all around the world making it the number one genetic defect. Screening will save a huge amount of lives but researchers already raise economic concerns regarding the medical health care; it may be possible that future agencies will deny the right to a health insurance just on the reason that a client presents a higher risk because he has one of these genes.

For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link You can also find valuable information about metastatic colon cancer or even about colon cancer treatment

Colon Cancer Diet
Colon Cancer Awareness
Colon Cancer Research

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ayurveda - Oneness of the Body and Soul

Ayurveda has a concept of mental and spiritual body. It is as necessary to take care of them as it is to take care of our physical body. Just by following some techniques of cleaning and rejuvenating, without remembering about the mind and spirit, is useless. It will just be a waste of time.

Taking care of his material covering, a person only gets to the first step of Ayurvedic knowledge. However, Ayurveda also has a concept of mental and spiritual body. It is as necessary to take care of them as it is to take care of our physical body.

Just by following some techniques of cleaning and rejuvenating, without remembering about the mind and spirit, is useless. It will just be a waste of time. Only by progressing spiritually, we can be sure that this knowledge will be achieved. On the other hand, taking care of our spiritual and mental state depends on how well we take care of our physical covering.

If a person will try to achieve stability in the processes of his organism, then, as a result, he will achieve harmony in his thoughts. In Ayurveda, body and spirit are so connected, and they affect each other so much that it is impossible to find out which substance is first and which is second.

Ayurveda has never been dogmatic and it values a persons right to choose. This science is work, which was taken voluntarily, its goal is to find out what is what is healthy and what is not. It is advice, which suggests you to follow certain rules and regulations.

However, we dont burn those, who dont want to follow the right way. A person has a right to violate the day regime, and he can lead a night life. However, he has to know that this doesnt increase his health, it usually does the opposite. Ayurvedic science respects everyone, even those, who are very mistaken. It also respects his right to choose.

In any case, a person has to have an inner filter, which filters the achieved knowledge and takes the information you need. Otherwise, the karmic reactions will be very heavy for those, who want to follow the laws of nature.

More on Russian Ayurveda you'll find on our websites - Vedablog and Vedabook

Stage Iv Colon Cancer
Terminal Colon Cancer
Stage 2 Colon Cancer

4 Tips For Cleaning You Colon Naturally

Nature proposed a system for your colon to get rid of bacteria and waste material, and absorb minerals and water while preserving electrolyte and fluid balance. A colon that is unable to carry out these functions appropriately, as impacted fecal stuff makes extra toxins in your body that broaden to all parts of your body with the engrossed fluids.

Several health problems, such as constipation, lack of energy and abdominal pain, may be inter related to an unhealthful bowel caused largely or partly by drinking and eating products that creates a lot of waste inside your colon. People take a great quantity of toxic material daily, including sugar, caffeine, white flour; microwave cooked food, aspartame, deep fried foods, and hydrogenated fats which is the cause of unwanted matter in your colon forming daily in pounds. To remove these unwanted buildup natural colon cleansing is an easy and better way.

There are several colon cleansing techniques that you can put in your lifestyle and make it easy. You may try them right now.

1. To begin the process of colon cleansing, you should make certain alterations to your diet. Your diet should be full of natural ingredients such as fruits, green vegetables, minerals and water. You have to change your diet in nature intended manner.

2. Enhancements in food frequently bring sufficient results by you, and the cleansing of colon starts here naturally. The adequate amount of fiber is essential for starting a cleansing. The amount should be at least 25-30 grams regularly with food or with water.

3. Drinking water is necessary for a strong colon. To excite the natural peristaltic exploit, you should drink at least 6 or more glasses of pure water daily full of minerals. If you take sufficient water and use an enough amount of thread, after half or one month your colon surely will restore all its function.

4. Herbs are the big way to achieve a gentle colon cleansing. Recopies made with herbals help us in removing harmful parasites, bacteria, fecal matter, and prevent toxin configuration. It also improves the task of colon muscles for promoting regular and natural movements of bowel.

The history of using herbals for colon cleansing is very big. The herbals are tested for ages. Mostly all the herbals used in colon cleansing have cathartic and liver cleansing actions. Senna, aloe leaf, cascara sagrada, cayenne pepper and ginger are the herbs help us to eliminate the impurities of colon by inspiring movements of bowel. Every natural recopies of colon cleansing includes some bitter plants which encourage the bile flow of colon and cleanse the liver. These plants kill the harmful bacteria and also prevent the gas formation from our liver.

You may find these colon cleansing herbals from almost all of the health stores. You should follow the instruction given on the instruction manual. Several cleansing herbals are available in ready to use packets. Use these herbs to get rid of bowel movements that can hydrate you. You should use these herbs according the need of your colon. Overuse may harm your colon or liver.

Author is the webmaster of Colon Cleanse. You may be interested in 3 Benefits of Colon Cleansing and The Role of Colon and Health.

Colon Cancer Diagnosis
Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Metastatic Colon Cancer

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What are the Benefits of Colon Cleansing?

Let's face it. Colon cleansing isn't exactly a topic that everyone likes to discuss around the dinner table. It's actually pretty disgusting to even think about, however there are some major health benefits to cleansing your colon and the sad part is... many don't even know it.

One big benefit to cleansing your colon is reducing constipation. If you have a poor diet and lack the nutrients that your body needs, it can lead to your intestinal walls becoming lined with a plaque-like substance (Hint: This is not good). Cleansing your colon out will remove this junk from your intestine walls and allow waste to pass more freely.

Another one of the many benefits of colon cleansing is eliminating diarrhea. Diarrhea is a condition that is normally caused by toxins which cause problems for the process which solidifies your waste. When you go through a colon cleansing, it can help this condition out immensely and allow your bowel movements to become more solid.

A third benefit to a colon clean is avoiding colon cancer. If your family has a history of colon cancer, performing a routine cleansing of your colon once a year or so would be an excellent preventative measure to take as it helps to keep the colon running smoothly.

There are many, many more benefits of colon cleansing that I'm unable to cover in the scope of this brief article. Fortunately, there are safe, all-natural, herbal based colon cleansers available now which make the process of cleaning your colon a simple and inexpensive one. Maintaining a healthy colon has never been easier!

To read our complete Dr. Natura Colonix review (the all-natural, herbal colon cleanser that we recommend), visit today.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Irritable Bowel Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

The Importance of Complete Internal Cleansing

A large majority of people are in the throes of various diseases and ailments. Most of the diseases and health problems that people suffer from nowadays are either lifestyle related or are caused because of an unhealthy style of living. So we have people suffering with diseases ranging from chronic coughs, colds and allergies to chronic fatigue syndrome, which are all caused because of a stressful lifestyle and improper diet. On top of this, there are many diseases whose cure is not available in modern medicine and which can be treated only symptomatically. In such cases, one can always explore the option of alternative medicine, especially when it comes to cleansing the body of toxins, which is extremely necessary in order to lead a healthy life.

Why Is Internal Cleansing Important?

Almost all of us have subjected our bodies and organs to an overload of toxins. We keep acquiring toxins through the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. Our diet is full of processed, fatty and unhealthy food which is generally overeaten. On top of this, we hardly abstain from smoking and drinking either. To top this, most of us do not even exercise as much as we should and keep on taking medicines for every little cut, bruise or sneeze that we get. On the other hand, our extremely demanding professional and personal lives are leaving us extremely stressed, which further increases the amount of toxins in our body. These toxins are the major cause of most chronic diseases, ranging from fungal infections, acne and constipation to headaches, colds, acidity and other chronic conditions. Our organs have not been made for dealing with such a large amount of toxins and therefore these poisons slowly keep on accumulating in our body and causing different illnesses. Therefore, routine detoxification or internal cleansing is extremely important in order to keep your organs healthy and to lead a healthy life.

What Does Internal Cleansing Entail?

A complete internal cleansing regimen involves a colon cleanse followed by parasite removal and liver flushing or cleansing. Most alternative medicine practitioners advise that you carry out internal cleansing at least once a year to get the optimum performance from your organs. A colon cleansing, which involves the consumption of either psyllium husk and bentonite clay shakes three to five times a day for at least two weeks is the first step of internal cleansing. This is because the toxins removed during parasite and liver flushing will not be fully removed from the body if the colon is choked with mucoid plaque. In case you suspect that you have parasites then you should follow colon cleansing with parasite cleansing using natural herbs and ingredients. This should then be followed by liver flushing using natural ingredients and an enema. A complete cleansing will rid you of all kinds of diseases ranging from constipation, acne, acid reflux, gastritis, allergies and other chronic ailments while increasing your immunity. It will also optimize the performance of not just your GI system but also other organs and help you in acquiring nutrition better.

Author is the webmaster of Colon Cleanser Most people like these articles Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss and Colon Cleansing is Important for Good Health

Colon Cancer Cure
Diseases Of The Colon

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Should You Clean Your Colon?

Whether or not you choose to ever use colon cleansers is a decision you alone must make. There are many different methods to use for colon cleansing. There are even entire kits available online. Some are all natural, deriving from herbs, with no side-effects like over-the-counter laxatives or enemas. There is no horrible cramping that causes sweating and pain, and there are no loose stools. Not everyone who uses these pills is constipated. Sometimes people just use them to cleanse the toxins from their bodies to feel a kind of mental and physical rejuvenation. Some even say that colon cleanses can ease symptoms of anxiety or depression. The reason for this is because unless you are eating the recommended nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables with little saturated fat, processed chemicals, and refined sugars, the food and meat you eat eventually stick to the walls of your bowels.

Overtime, this can lead to decreases in the necessary, energy-giving vitamins and nutrients from reaching the rest of your body, leading to lethargy and overall unhealthiness. Your optimum health begins with a healthy functioning colon. All-natural, herbal colon cleaning pills are the way to go if you want a quick relief from constipation or just a healthy start. These are easier to use than enemas and not cramp causing like chemical laxatives. These pills will help not only clean the end of your colon out like in a suppository, but will help scrape off and eliminate the mineral and vitamin blocking plaque that resides in the walls of you bowel now. If you've other alternatives unsatisfied or you are just looking for a different, natural remedy, then try natural, herbal pills.

Clean Your Colon

Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Metastatic Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Stage

Natural Cure For Constipation

It is a well known fact that with the current diet that almost everyone is on, either you or someone you love has a constipation problem. I always had constipation. Today, I have regular bowel movements. What helped me is a combination of several dietary options.

A lot of you might think that a regular bowel movement of once or twice a week is normal. Some of you might even think that a regular bowel movement of once a day is normal. The truth of the matter is that you should have a bowel movement for every major meal that you have eaten the day before. Let's say that in a particular day you eat two meals. If you have no constipation problems, the next day should have you do two bowel movements. If it was one meal, then you would have one bowel movement the next day.

Constipation is usually the cause of most major illnesses. Toxic matter that has not left your system within a day will end up in your blood stream. Your liver will eventually absorb and store the toxins. In time, your liver can get damaged and will not be able to clean your blood properly. This will lead to all sorts of diseases and problems including heart attack and cancer. That is why fecal matter needs to leave your system as soon as possible to reduce the amount of toxins entering your blood.

What can you do to prevent constipation from happening? How do you go about making this happen? What dietary changes must you accomplish to be able to have regular bowel movements throughout the day? Which foods and drinks should you avoid to help reduce the amount of constipation? Should you be taking fiber drinks throughout the day?

One of the most important things you should be doing once you wake up in the morning is drink a full 8-16 oz of pure, filtered, warm water. Make sure that it is warm, since cold water will contribute to constipation. After drinking the water, you will have to wait for about 1 hour before you eat or drink anything else. This will allow the water to help flush your system and push the fecal matter out. Eating immediately after waking up will dry up your fecal matter more and make it more difficult for your system to flush itself. The more water is in your system, the softer your fecal matter will be. The longer the fecal matter stays in your system, the drier it will become since your body will continuously absorb the moisture in it. For most people, doing just that will help them immensely. This could be just the thing to prevent constipation.

There are a lot of coffee drinkers in the world. Coffee has the effect of drying your system. You might not feel thirsty after a cup of coffee but your body will definitely feel it. Your intestines contain a lot of water and in time this will cause the water to be absorbed and will end up causing constipation. You should stop drinking coffee if you can. Remember that you are trying to eat and drink healthy. Do not let yourself be fooled into thinking that coffee is good for you. If you want an alternative to coffee, I would suggest that you drink tea. Herbal tea would be better and healthier than regular tea.

Eating a lot of fruits during the day will greatly reduce your chances of having constipation. Most fruits are full of natural fiber. An added benefit of eating fruits is the amount of vitamins that they contain. Make sure that you eat your fruits on an empty stomach or when you haven't eaten for at least one hour. The body is able to digest the fruits very quickly. Eating any kind of fat with fruits is not healthy since the body needs a lot more time to digest the fats and this will cause the fruits to take a long time to digest. Fruits that stay in your stomach for a long time will start to ferment.

You should reduce or eliminate your meat and poultry consumption. Both have been linked to colon cancer. The reason is that eating a lot of meat and chicken would have you eat less fibrous foods and since they are devoid of fiber, constipation will occur. If you still want to eat these foods due to their protein content, you can try to limit their consumption to once or twice a week. Make sure that you eat a lot of fibrous foods during that day. Remember that fruits contain the best and healthiest source of protein.

Eating your vegetables during the day will dramatically increase your consumption of fiber. Your main meal should consist mainly of vegetables, preferably raw. Raw foods contain a lot of enzymes that help digest your food. So, make sure that you eat your raw vegetables just before any cooked foods to help your body digest your food.

One of the most important things you could do to help with your constipation problem is to do regular exercise. Try to allocate at least half an hour three or more times a week for your exercise sessions. Body movement exercise is essential for solving your constipation problem. By doing regular exercise, you help stimulate your intestinal muscles that push your stools out.

All of these suggestions can help prevent constipation. Even if you try at least some of what I suggest, it will help a little. Do not let yourself be constipated for long periods of time. Do not use pills to relieve your constipation as most have side effects that can damage your organs. Do not use fiber drinks except for short periods of time as this will have your body get used to it. Why pay to get fiber when it is available naturally in fruits and vegetables.

Alternative Health News Around the World is all about your health. Regular alternative health news is available for you to subscribe to for free. With my personal blog to read through and learn about what it is to be healthy. Visit my site at :

Colonoscopy Procedure
Colon Cancer Diet
Colon Cancer Awareness

Monday, November 24, 2008

How Visualization Is Different from What You May Have Tried for Pain Relief

You've probably tried everything you can think of to ease your chronic pain. But chances are that in your search for relief you haven't tried anything quite like visualization statements.

Visualization statements represent the specific language that your subconscious wants you to read back to it to help ease your pain. Theyre simple and are targeted directly at the main factors that could bring you relief.

You can obtain these statements by learning how to communicate directly with your own subconscious mind. The process is straightforward and can be done at home by working with a facilitator over the telephone. You you need no special skills and no previous experience in working with the subconscious.

How They're Unique

You may find that visualization statements are unique in several ways:

They're based on content from your own subconscious mind. This gives you information about your pain that you may not have been able to obtain anywhere else, placing you in control of the process in a significant way.

They're non-invasive, easy to perform, and economical in their use of time. Even among other mind-body methods this makes them unique.

They can have bonus consequences beyond relief of the pain itself. In some cases they produce benefits such as better sleep and a more positive mood.

They're based on a planned strategy that helps you focus on specific weak points or leverage points along the pathway by which pain signals reach your brain. Unlike pain meds, which aren't yet developed enough to affect all these leverage points, your subconscious may have the ability to influence most or all of them.

They're obtained via a one-time investment that teaches you a skill, namely how to communicate with your subconscious about your pain to obtain relief. It has no on-going costs, but does have an on-going benefit: the ability to use the subconscious to handle new pain or other conditions that may crop up in the future.

Engaging the Subconscious

Visualization statements can be used to explore the use of the subconscious for pain relief regardless of whether you have back pain or pain in the neck or other extremities, arthritis pain, fibromyalgia pain, and neuropathic pain (nerve pain).

The subconscious is quite powerful. When programmed through the very visualizations that it suggests, it may be able to turn episodes of uncontrolled pain into events over which you have a degree of control.

Ben Plumb is CEO and President of The Visualization Group, Inc. The companys service is delivered by people like himself who personally suffered from years of chronic pain, and used the visualization method described in this article to obtain relief when nothing else worked. For more information, please visit

(c) 2005 The Visualization Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The methodology and program disclosed in this article are Patent Pending.

Colon Cancer Test
Colon Cancer Treatment
Colon Cancer Surgery

Herbal Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis

There are herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis, other than antibiotics. When bad bacteria invade a woman's vagina, many irritating symptoms can result. For instance, a woman can suffer from soreness, inflammation, burning, swelling, smelly and unpleasant discharge, urinary discomfort, and experiencing pain during sex. Conventional doctors usually recommend prescription drugs and creams to deal with these symptoms. However, please know that these are not the only options available to you.

There are a few naturopathic doctors who described the vagina as having its own kind of ecosystem. Both good and bad bacteria can be found here. The good strains help your body from bad bacteria and other harmful organisms. Using herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis can help create an environment where bad organisms find difficult to thrive. They help to restore the vagina's normal pH, decrease irritation and inflammation, and do away with the infecting organisms. Still, the success here is dependent on correctly diagnosing the root cause of the problem.

Vaginitis can happen because of 2 main reasons. They are either from a bacterial infection, or they result from the fungal yeast Candida albicans. It is important that a diagnostic test be done to discover what type of vaginitis you have before you start on any form of treatment. You want to use the appropriate treatment to target the type of bacteria, yeast or parasite that is invading your body. In the meantime, refrain from consuming a lot of sugar, refined carbohydrates or alcohol.

Herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis include:

1. Garlic can put up a very strong fight against infections. Garlic contains many important antibacterial and antifungal properties. This is why this is one of the best herbal remedies for treating bacterial infections such as vaginal infections. If you decide to take garlic in the form of a supplement, it should contain 5,000 micrograms of alliums (the compound in garlic that contains the highest infection-fighting properties ). Consume 1 or 2 garlic capsules per day until the symptoms subside.

2. Goldenseal contains immunity-boosting properties. It contains a chemical known as barbering. It is a chemical that has been shown to fight off bacteria and Candida fungus that reside in the vagina' mucous membranes. Recommended dosage is about two 500-milligram goldenseal capsules once or twice a day until the symptoms subside.

3. Tracheal is a traditional herb that is used to help eliminate toxins such as bacteria or parasites out of your body. This is one of the herbal remedies that is used to restore a normal flow of bodily fluids. Simply soak one teaspoon of dried tracheal in 1 cup of hot water. Drink this as a tea before bedtime. If you do not like the the taste of this tea, by all means, consume two 500-milligram capsules of tracheal before bedtime daily instead.

Evelyn Lim is the publisher of a newsletter on Herbal Home Remedies. She draws on her practical knowledge passed down by her grandmother in the use of herbs to treat common ailments and shares about them in her newsletter. For free information and a bonus MP3 download, please visit her site at

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Irritable Bowel Disease

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Does Your Colon Send You Messages Through Unconventional Channels?

Unfortunately your colon can speak because if it could it would send you a variety of messages. These messages could run from: "Thank you for be so careful with your diet. The clean and healthy diet that you have adhered to, based on proteins such as fresh vegetables and fruits, chicken and fish and little or no red meat, especially fatty meat is making my job a lot easier.

The fact that you take regular exercise and drink a lot of fresh water makes it so easy that I feel so good all of the time. And when you have me flushed once a year it feels like my birthday present. Keep up the good work!" says the healthy colon. Or another could run "Hello up there! Are you on a suicide mission? This constant diet of grease and toxins is making my situation untenable.

And the fact that you rarely if ever adhere to a regiment of enough exercise or help me in any way to perform the important functions to keep your digestive system in order, then I will have to send you a series of messages to let you know that I am unhappy with your part of the arrangement. And remember that I am only doing this for your own welfare. Because if you continue to abuse your delicately balanced digestive system, the whole situation could rebound on you."

So what does a colon do to send out signals that all is not well down below?

One sure signal is a sudden outbreak of spotty skin, usually on the face and sometimes on the back. Those of us that thought the adolescence was well behind them will receive a rude reminder that a blocked colon can cause just as a bad attack as any hormone. Other nasty side effects can be diarrhea, constipation or the most "in your face" symptom of them all; constant and ongoing flatulence. This is not only unpleasant it can also be highly embarrassing. A combined vocal and nasal attack on the senses.

So when we receive these warning messages, they should be immediately regarded as a signal to start anew on a new dietary and exercise regime. And to say thanks to the colon for letting you know that all was not right, then a good colon flushing is the nearest thing to a kind word you can give.

George Christodoulou

For more information about proper colon function, please visit for one of the most comprehensive colon cleansing systems on the market today. You will learn about preparing for a colon cleansing, enzymes, probiotics, hydrothrapy, fiber, dieting, and more! -

Metastatic Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Stage
Stage 3 Colon Cancer

Colon Cleansing Products - How To Choose The Right Colon Cleansing Products For You

There are many choices when looking for a home colon cleansing kit. If you are new to the process you may need to do some research before making a purchase. Most at-home colon cleansing products come in kit form and include enough products to last for several cleansings. Many colon cleansing regimens call for colon cleansing several times.

Herbal Products

Many colon cleansing products use natural herbal ingredients to gently help cleanse the colon. Most often several or more herbs are used together to product the desired results. Herbal products are often very gentle and safe. Look for products that are gentle. You can tell which ones are the most gentle by reading the ingredients label. Typically the more ingredients a product has the more potential it has to be harsh. Also, keep in mind the amount of product that will be used and the time-frame it will be used in.


Psyllium is a natural product that is extracted from the husks of psyllium seeds. The psyllium is a water-soluble fiber that when mixed with water becomes thick mucilage. This mucilage works to work through the colon ridding it of unwanted waste products. Psyllium can be taken daily to cleanse the colon naturally. The product is taken with a large amount of water that will help it to become the right consistency as it works through the colon.


During the colon cleansing process the colon gets rid of bacteria. This includes both good and bad bacteria. In order to regain a healthy status the colon needs to regain its good bacteria. The process can be helped along tremendously by taking a probiotic supplement. Some colon cleansing kits include this item in their product grouping.

Vitamins, minerals and nutrients

After the colon cleanse process the body may have the need for additional nutrients. This is due to the fact that the colon has been cleared completely of all its contents and it can take a while for the nutrients to again begin to be absorbed by the colon. Many colon cleansing systems come with a nutrient supplement which will help you to regain your essential nutrients quickly.

Most of all, when choosing colon cleansing products find a regimen that you will be most happy with. Pick from companies that have good reputations and offer guarantees. Read customer testimonials and understand how the product works before you purchase it.

Use a colon cleansing product or try a colon cleansing diet and you can start feeling better almost immediately.

Visit to find out more information about the best colon cleansing product on the market and much more. Sleep better, have more energy, clear skin and an overall sense of well being.

Colon Cancer Diet
Colon Cancer Awareness
Colon Cancer Research

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Colon Cancer Facts

Colon cancer is the 3rd commonest reason for cancer for males and the 4th commonest cause of cancer for females. Cancer of the colon and rectum, also called colorectal cancer, is most common amongst those who follow a western type of diet than amongst folks in Asia or Africa who eat an eastern diet.

The colon is the lower portion of the gastrointestinal system used to process waste matter*. At the end of the colon is the rectum from which waste products are passed away from the body. This lengthy pipe is the large intestine. Polyps may attack to the walls of the gut without making any problems. They are frequently found during a colonoscopy and might be removed during that process. A good deal of the time polyps are harmless, and not malignant.

Polyps that are not removed from the large intestine can become cancerous if unnoticed for long enough. Malignant tumors could also cause harm to close organs or tissues. When the cancer spreads to other areas, this is called metastasis. When the cancer isn't found early and metastasis takes place, there's no chance for cure.

Colorectal cancer is thought to be mainly linked to family history and diet. Certain people appear to be more disposed to get this cancer than other people, even with all diet and life style ingredients being the same. Those that eat a high fat diet have a larger risk of colorectal cancer than those that eat a well balanced diet which is low in fat. The new findings which identified trans fatty acids in numerous foods in groceries and restaurants, indicates the risks concealed in most common foods. Neither cancer nor obesity are common amongst those who eat fresh veggies, high fibre foods, whole grains and low fat meats or fish.

People who have a history of ulcerative colitis should be closely monitored for colon cancer. With this prolonged condition, growth of colon polyps may increase because of cell damage. The benign polyps can acquire or derive data from chromosomes of damaged cells in the colon that result in cancer. After having from ulcerative colitis for 10 years or longer, the risk of colon cancer dramatically increases.

A recognised hereditary link for colon cancer exists between 1st degree natural family members of people who have colon cancer. If there's a family history of colon cancer, the chance of getting it is 3 times greater than the risk for the population as a whole. Do not be complacent however. Just 20% of colorectal cancer occurs amongst persons who have family history of this disease. The majority of colon cancers, four out of five in fact, affect those without familial association to the disease.

Colon cancer is a soundless cause of death, frequently having zero identifiable symptoms till it is too late. Early detection with a colonoscopy represents the most dependable means of identifying and treating possible cancer risks. There's no benefit to holding off till old age to check for risks. Colon polyps commonly begin during teenage years and might evolve into cancer by age forty to fifty. General health advice is for a colonoscopy before age fifty and if all is ok, repeat the tests at 10 yr intervals.

For a wide ranging view of Colon Cancer and alternative treatments visit Colon Cancer Symptoms

Colon Cancer Treatment
Colon Cancer Surgery
Colon Cancer Chemotherapy

Aromatherapy: Rosemary Essential Oil Profile

Rosemary is a popular herb for cooking and aromatherapy. It is actually a member of the mint family and is grown predominantly in Morocco and Spain. Rosemary likes a dry, hot soil. The rosemary plant is an evergreen shrub in its native regions. It can grow very tall, given the right conditions (over six feet), but in its native areas, high winds tend to keep the bush under control. In parts of the world with harsher winters (zones 5 and lower), rosemary is grown as an annual. Rosemary grows long stems covered with green needlelike leaves. Clusters of blue, pink or white flowers bloom on the ends of the stems in springtime. All of the plant parts can be used to extract the essential oil, although the highest quality oil comes from the flowers only. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation. This process involves using pressurized steam to remove the essential oils from the plant matter.

Rosemary has a bit of an old fashioned appeal to it. It is called the 'remembrance' flower and brides often carry a sprig or two in their bouquets. It is also sometimes incorporated into funeral floral arrangements.

Rosemary has a very pungent, almost medicinal odor to it with woody undertones. Very similar to eucalyptus. It was also used as a substitute for myrrh in incense, since it was much more prevalent and cheaper than myrrh. This incense would be burned as a disinfectant in hospitals.

Aromatherapy benefits of rosemary essential oil include: antiseptic, astringent, stimulant, anti-fatigue and memory enhancer. Like eucalyptus, rosemary can be used in cream rubs or vaporizers to help clear out mucus when you have a chest cold.

Rosemary home remedies

For sore muscles: Take several stems of fresh rosemary and boil them for 5 minutes. Remove from the water (being careful not to burn yourself) and wrap in several layers of gauze. Use this moist compress on sore and aching muscles.

To clear a stuffy head: Crush several stems of fresh rosemary. Place the stems into a small bowl filled with 2 cups of boiling water. Place a towel over your head and lean over the bowl, inhaling the fragrant steam. Do this for 5 minutes.

Skin toner: Crush a palm full of rosemary leaves and place into a bottle. Fill the bottle with witch hazel. To use: wet a cotton ball with the toner and apply to clean skin. Use daily.

Cautions for rosemary. Rosemary should be avoided by pregnant women, people with high blood pressure or anyone suffering from epilepsy - due to its ability to stimulate the brain. Some people may also find rosemary oil to be a skin irritant, so always dilute the rosemary in a carrier oil or do a skin test patch. Next time you use rosemary for cooking, take a moment and enjoy the crisp smell of the leaves. Just doing this can give you the aromatherapy benefits of this wonderful herb as well as the great taste! Keep a few fresh sprigs in a small vase by your desk, to invigorate you all day long.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Aromatherapy

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Irritable Bowel Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

Friday, November 21, 2008

Will Colon Cleansing Solve My IBS - Read This Before Purchasing

Will colon cleansing solve my IBS? There is a product on the market today called Bowtrol that has been clinically proven to be effective on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS can be extremely annoying. This problem can also cause tremendous health problems.

Are you suffering from constipation, diarrhea, both, bloating, abdominal pain and heartburn more than once a month. You are not the only one. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) effects about 25 to 50 million people in the United States alone.

IBS can lead to malnutrition and obesity and can also lead to a weight imbalance. What this problem does it will increase the amount of toxic substances in your body. It can also damage your skin and your hair. If you want to have a good life and a beautiful body, then you need to take care of your gastrointestinal health issues first.

Bowtrol colon clense is a fantastic all-natural herbal colon cleansing treatment. This product has supposed to have changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through a gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing system. The Bowtrol colon cleanse was formulated to maximize elimination without causing many of the problems found in other products. Some of the problems are cramping, while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.

Bowtrol has been shown to be effective on the east following conditions:

abdominal pain

Bowtrol has been formulated to address the needs of all IBS sufferers, whether they experience diarrhea or constipation. IBS is a disability. People suffering from IBS are often unable or uncomfortable to attend social events, work or even traveling short distances. You now have the opportunity to rid yourself of your symptoms naturally using Bowtrol.

So will colon cleansing help solve my IBS? The answer to this is yes when you use Bowtrol.

Will colon cleansing solve my IBS and the answer is yes if you are using Bowtrol, the all natural colon cleansing product that will solve your Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Colon Cancer Stage
Stage 3 Colon Cancer
Stage Iv Colon Cancer

Understanding And Replenishing Nutrients For A Clean Colon

Everything has its price and if we abuse our body we are liable to pay a heavy one. The fats food epidemic of the last ten years or so thankfully seems to be abating and people are becoming increasingly aware of the risks that they had been foolishly taking for all these years through devotion to an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

Too many people crammed MASSIVE quantities of toxins into their bodies that congregated around their colons and gradually choked it. To most of these people it meant many symptoms that while uncomfortable for them as well as those around them were recoverable from. For a few the damage that they caused to their body became irreversible, leading to heart disease or cancer.

Those who saw the writing on the wall and have turned over a new leaf are now reaping the benefits and are gradually returning themselves into a healthy living mode.

No more for them grabbing a quick burger or pizza after, before or during work. They have been given to understand that fast foods mean an even faster life, and they now follow a regime where they not only hope to live longer but in which their lives will be better and more fulfilled.

They realize that keeping their colon clean is the key to many things and follow a planned diet and exercise program that will prevent even the slightest possibility of their colon ever becoming the malfunctioning mess that it was previously. The chances are that they underwent a thorough colon cleaning before they set of on a new and much healthier life style involving diet, input of vitamins ad nutrients alongside as vigorous an exercise program that their body can handle.

There are many vitamins and herbs that will increase energy as well as lend a hand to the digestive system to successfully digest the foods that we eat.

Essential nutrients need to be understood, properly absorbed and replenished if need be to keep this Swiss watch of a body that we have been given functioning properly.

Never take it for granted.

George Christodoulou,

For more information about natural colon cleansing, please visit for one of the most comprehensive colon
cleansing systems on the market today. You will learn about preparing for
a colon cleansing, enzymes, probiotics, hydrothrapy, fiber, dieting, and more! -

Colon Cancer Awareness
Colon Cancer Research
Colon Cancer Screening

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Best Colon Cancer Treatment Options

Among the most spread cancers, colon cancer usually occurs in men and women over the age of 50. The main causes of colon cancer are related to the patients diet: very low in fiber and high in fat and calories. By keeping a healthy life style and good eating habits, you can prevent developing cancer of the colon even before this becomes a problem. You might also want to try and check your family history for cases of colon cancer and adopt a healthier diet in order to make sure you will avoid this problem in the future.

Colon cancer treatments are varied and you can choose from a series of traditional and alternative methods of dealing with this condition. Surgery is often the number one choice the surgeon removes the tumors on the colon, even if the cancer cells are spread beyond the colon itself. This ensures less problems in the future of the patients life, reducing chances of bowel problems or internal bleeding. Colon cancer surgery is usually categorized in four main areas: rectum resection, radio frequency ablation, colostomy and colon resection. The surgeon will determine which method is best suited for each individual patient. Detecting cancer at a very early stage is important, as the problem can be corrected in a decisive and final manner. By using a polypectomy, the surgeon will remove suspicious polyps in order to minimize chances of the disease. Local excision may also be used in early stages, in order to remove the cancer cells. After surgery, your hospital should provide you with ongoing support in order to ensure a fast and efficient recovery.

Intra arterial chemotherapy is another treatment worth consideration. This treatment targets tumors by delivering a powerful dose of chemotherapy. Primary systemic chemotherapy is often used before a surgical procedure in order to destroy a large majority of cancer cells. Systemic therapy is usually used with metastatic cancer, while the third method, adjuvant chemotherapy, targets any cancer cells that might have been left over after surgery. All three chemotherapy procedures are delivered through the hepatic artery and are an option if the cancer has spread to the liver.

Another choice comes from chemoembolization treatment. In addition to being delivered intra arterially, this type of treatment blocks the blood flow to the areas affected by cancer. It traps the chemotherapy drugs in the area of the tumor, thus ensuring that they work efficiently and on target.

George Anderson is very interested in colon cancer and the variety of colon cancer treatments available.

Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Cancer Symptoms
Signs Of Colon Cancer

Probiotics - Restoring Good Bacteria in Your Colon

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria or yeasts in the form of a dietary supplement. Taking probiotics helps to replenish the natural gut flora that thrives in your digestive system. Doctors and nutritionists often recommend these, particularly after you have had a course of antibiotics. Many health professionals believe that probiotics help to increase the strength of the immune system and help you combat allergies as well as assist your body in regulating the gut flora.

After colon hydrotherapy, most hydrotherapists will serve you acidophilus. This common probiotic is often found in yogurts and other dairy foods. As you get older, eat meat, travel, and use prescription drugs such as antibiotics and corticosteroids, the good gut flora that exists in our digestive tract begins to decline. Much of this flora will typically help our immune systems and fight off disease, but as their numbers decline this protection declines as well.

In addition to helping our bodies stay disease free, this gut flora also helps us to digest our nutrients, vitamins and enzymes, especially the lactose in milk and dairy products. Probiotics help us to supplement those floras and to replace those that have died off. Daily intake of foods that contain probiotics helps with a number of digestive issues, such as constipation. They can also help to increase the amount of nutrients we absorb, reduce blood cholesterol and even help to protect against tumors and colon cancer.

There are several different strains of probiotic supplements. The most common strains of probiotics include:

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus casei

Bifidobacterium longum

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Saccharomyces boulardii

The lactobacillus strains are helpful to the small intestine, while the bifidobacteria is helpful to the large intestine, as the generally reside in these areas.

Interestingly, vegetarians tend to have a healthy balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria, while people who eat meat tend to have larger amounts of "bad" bacteria, particularly Bacteroids.

Generally, probiotics have many health benefits and besides improving your overall digestion, they also help to:

Prevent gas

Prevent bloating

Prevent bad breath

Replenish "good" bacteria after antibiotic use

Enhance the function of the immune system

Help digest food

Prevent constipation

Probiotics not only have a positive effect on your colon, but also in other systems of your body including skin, respiratory and genital-urinary tracts. I am also available for telephone consultation. You may request a consultation by email through the website. Consult with your physician before embarking on any weight loss diet program.

Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND, PhD is a life style consultant and owner of Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. She is also the author of "21 Pounds in 21 Days," which debuted #3 on the New York Times Bestseller list. She is a registered nurse, colonic therapist and naturopathic doctor. She travels across the country helping people to make their lives better and healthier via natural health sciences. For more information on her book, products and services visit

Signs Of Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Signs
Colon Cancer Test

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Keeping Well When Monsoon Dwells

First showers of monsoon are heartily welcomed by everyone after experiencing the scorching heat of summer. But monsoons reduce the immunity of our body and make us susceptible to many diseases which are commonly associated with this season. It is time for us to keep our body resistant against diseases by boosting our immunity and taking precautions against these diseases.

The diseases associated with monsoon are malaria, jaundice, gastro intestinal infections like typhoid and cholera. Apart from these, viral infections like cold and cough also make their presence felt.

Puddles of water formed due to rain become breeding grounds for mosquitoes which spread diseases like malaria and dengue fever. As a precautionary measure against mosquito bite born diseases one can use mosquito net around the bed which is better choice to mosquito repellants like mats and coils. A mosquito repellant cream is the best choice when you are away from home. Fumigating the house with smoke of dried neem leaves in evenings for 1-2 minutes is an excellent ayurvedic method to keep mosquitoes away.

Pollution of drinking water during monsoon is very common. It is very necessary to drink clean and pure water when water borne monsoon diseases like diarrhea and gastro intestinal infections threaten us. Drinking boiled water at home is strongly recommended to tap water. Prefer mineral water of government certified companies when you are away from home.

Walking in dirty water during rainy season leads to numerous fungal infections which affect toes and nails. Diabetic patients have to take a special care about their feet. Always keep your feet dry and clean. Avoid walking in dirty water. Keep your shoes, socks and raincoats dry and clean. Drying clothes with fumes of loban and dry neem leaves is recommended in ayurvedic texts.

Precautions have to be taken to prevent dampness and growth of fungus (mold) on and around the house where asthmatic patients live. Avoid fumigation in case of asthmatic patients.

Ayurvedic Tips to increase body immunity and preventing diseases of monsoon.

1. The digestive system gets weakened due to dehydration in summer. This leads to low digestive power. This is further weakened by vitiation of doshas and dhatus due to monsoon. Hence following diets which increase power of digestion and strengthen the digestive system would be beneficial in rainy season.

Light foods prepared out of old barley, rice and wheat.

Sour and salted soups of vegetables.

Drinking boiled and cooled water mixed with little honey.

Consuming little quantity of wine prepared out of grapes.

Adding ginger and green gram in daily diet.

Eating warm food.

2. Avoid the following:

Sleeping in daytime.

Over physical exertion.

Over exposure to sun.

3. Always keep the surrounding dry and clean. Do not allow water to get accumulated around.

4. Keep your body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down.

5. Do not enter air conditioned room with wet hair and damp cloths.

6. Dry your feet and webs with soft dry cloth whenever they are wet.

7. Wash vegetables with clean water and steam them well to kill germs.

8. Avoid eating uncooked foods and salads.

9. Drink plenty of water and keep your body well hydrated.

10. Do not allow kids to play in stagnant polluted water filled puddles.

Ayurvedic Home remedies for Monsoon diseases

1. Apply castor oil or sesame oil for cracked feet and skin.

2. A freshly prepared paste of turmeric, neem and sesame seeds is recommended in ayurveda for fungal infection between toes.

3. Drink a glass of warm water mixed with a tea spoon of honey in empty stomach. This flushes out accumulated toxins.

4. Freshly prepared radish juice is the best remedy for cold.

5. A pinch each of long pepper powder and rock salt mixed in warm water reduces cough

6. The following home recipes can be used as home remedies for digestive disorders of monsoon

In Indigestion
Rice-1/2 cup
Water -4 cups
Long pepper- 2or 3
Ginger -1
Method of preparation:
Cook rice with recommended quantity of water with crushed ginger and salt. Powder long pepper and fry it in a spoon of cows ghee and add it to gruel. Consume this when it hot. This is very light to digest and relieves colic pain.

In Diarrhea
Rice -1/2 cup
Water 4 cups
Ginger paste 1/2 spoon
Salt to taste
Pomegranate juice: cup
Method of preparation
1. Cook rice with recommended quantity of water with ginger paste and salt
2. Add pomegranate juice when the gruel is warm. This gruel rehydrates body and supply energy . This soothes inflamed walls of intestine and controls bowel movements.

In flatulence
cup of rice
4 cups of water
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - powder-1/2 spoon
Roots of pippali or long pepper
Ginger paste -1/2 spoon salt to taste
Method of preparation
Cook Rice, haritaki powder, roots of pippali and water together. Add salt to it. Consume this when it is warm. This relieves flatulence and regularizes the bowel movement

Thus precautions coupled with care really help you to enjoy monsoon. Have a healthy and safe monsoon.

Dr. Savitha Suri has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 1989. After getting a graduation degree in ayurveda (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1988 from University of Mysore, India, she started practising ayurveda. Her articles about ayurveda have been published in news papers and websites. She is a regular health columnist to a regional news paper.

Colon Cancer Test
Colon Cancer Treatment
Colon Cancer Surgery

How Often Could You Use A Quick Mental Energizer?

How To Invigorate Yourself With Basil Oil!

The Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil of Basil is a wonderful oil to have in your natural healing medicine cabinet. It is invigorating to body and spirit and can ease fatigue and encourage alertness.

If you think about the smell of fresh basil, just the thought probably brings a smile to your face. The aroma of fresh pesto or basil in tomato sauce is the smell of summer, and inhaling basil therapeutic-grade essential oil is like getting a face full of summer sunshine on even the dreariest day.

It's the smell we most often think of when we think of basil, and the interesting thing is, Therapeutic-Grade Basil Essential Oil can actually improve our sense of smell. Inhaling basil oil when used in a diffuser or added to bath water can ease headaches and migraines, improve concentration and clear the mind.

It can also be used in a bath to ease menstrual symptoms, muscle pains, arthritis and gout. Basil therapeutic-grade essential oil is a good general tonic for calming the nerves, easing the effects of tension on the body and reducing mental strain.

In addition, it is useful for respiratory problems and can help heal acne and insect bites when applied directly to the skin. It is thought to be particularly helpful in healing mosquito bites. Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil of Basil can be irritating to the skin, so always dilute in a carrier oil such as olive oil, especially when applying to sensitive areas like the face.

To use Therapeutic-Grade Essential Basil Oil to eliminate fatigue, first inhale the scent of the oil, then apply to the crown of the head, the forehead, the heart area and the navel. These specific areas are targeted because they are the conduits for energy flowing through the body. Clearing these channels helps you feel more alert, less run down and better able to meet the day.

For treating acne and insect bites, apply diluted oil directly to the site of irritation. To improve the sense of smell, apply to the nose. Basil Oil can also be used in a diffuser or vaporizer, added to a bath or massage oil, or taken internally to help with nausea, constipation, cramping or menstrual problems. A drop of therapeutic grade-essential oil should always be diluted in four ounces of rice or soy milk, water or other liquid before taking it internally.

Basil Oil should not be used by individuals considered to be epileptics, pregnant women, or on infants or young children. Otherwise it is an effective treatment to clear your mind, lift your spirits and invigorate you to meet the challenges of your day.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after the use of therapeutic-grade essential oils, and avoid contact with your eyes.

This article is available for reprint electronically or in print, for free, as long as it is done in its entirety with the bylines included. A Courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Emailto:

Emma Sanford is a Registered Professional Nurse, Founder and Wellness Consultant of Good Health - Good Scents, a distributorship of chemical free edible wellness products, located in Atlatna Ga.

Ms. Sanford writes and publishes a FREE weekly ezine "Good Health -Good Scents Wellness Tools." Sign up for a FREE copy. Visit and

Colon Cancer Surgery
Colon Cancer Chemotherapy
Colon Cancer Cure

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Frankincense Essential Oil - Enduring Emotional Support

A powerful and enticing wood aroma that sweetly sparkles with freshness and a hint of spice. Frankincense maintains its integrity in any blend. Frankincense has a long lasting and enduring scent!

One of the 'Holy' oils from ancient times when it was considered more valuable than gold.

Traditionally Frankincense was used as an anointing oil as it was thought to possess miraculous powers to heal almost every conceivable malady.

Often used in religious ceremonies.

Frankincense is probably best known for its enduring emotional and spiritual support.

Helpful for overcoming and dispelling fear and taking action!

Excellent for grief and loss support!

Its distinctly effervescent and cheerful nature makes it a solid and reassuring oil.

A fortifying essence to the mind and emotions Frankincense is a very calming, rejuvenating and empowering oil.

Frankincense is beneficial for releasing negative mental and emotional states such as low self esteem, lack of confidence, insecurity and anxiety.

Known to promote healthy respiratory and immune function and relieve congestion Frankincense is useful for treating inflammatory conditions.

Frankincense slows and deepens cellular respiration and has the characteristic effect of comforting and centering you during times of distress.

The quintessential oil for letting go and allowing whatever happens to be okay.

Use Frankincense to promote your spiritual awakening and to enhance your meditation practice.

Frankincense will sustain you through lifes enigmatic journeys and help you to cultivate and stabilize an inner sense of being guided.

Has strong antiseptic properties and is good for healing bone tissue and fractures.

Frankincense regenerates skin cell tissue and is beneficial for all skin types. It tones and balances the skin's natural sebum production, making it especially nourishing for oily and mature skin.

In Ayurvedic Medicine, an ancient system of healing practiced in India, the sweet wood aroma of Frankincense is used to regulate and pacify Vata imbalances. Symptoms of Vata imbalance are restlessness, insomnia, nervousness and anxiety or worry.

The best therapeutic quality Frankincense is derived from CO2 extraction!

BLEND WITH: Sandalwood, Myrrh, Vetiver, Petitgrain, Sweet Orange, Helichrysum.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA. PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic essential oils. Remedies with Frankincense KG recommends:



Click to order FRANKINCENSE

More Info? Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315 Mahalo!

Colon Cancer Treatment
Colon Cancer Surgery
Colon Cancer Chemotherapy

Constipation - The Cause of Toxic Colon

Many of us lead a busy life that we hardly pay any attention to whether or not we empty our bowels daily. Constipation is a very common problem that affects at least 80% of today's population at some point during their lives, yet most of us fail to realize the seriousness of it.

Not only does it cause you to spend a longer time in the toilet, constipation also causes abdominal discomfort, bloated stomach, excess wind and piles. If you are constipated and feeling lethargic, irritable, experiencing difficulty concentrating at work, suffering from skin problems or frequent headaches, it is high time that you realize that all these problems are the direct effects of your constipation.

In fact, constipation must be taken seriously as it is often linked to more severe problems, including high blood pressure, varicose veins, heartburn, weight gain, backache, arthritis and increased risk of several common cancers such as colorectal and breast cancer.

To understand constipation better, it helps to know how the colon (large intestines) works.

As food moves through the colon, it absorbs water while forming waste products, or stool. By the time the stool reaches the rectum, it is solid because most of the water has been absorbed. Ideally this should take approximately 12 hours, but when we are constipated, this makes take up to 50 hours. The longer the stool stays in the body, the harder it gets, explaining the need to strain in the toilet, and subsequently the painful piles on the rear.

The longer the stool stays in the body also increases your body's exposure to harmful toxins as waste matter starts to build up in the colon. As it decays and putrefies, waste matter releases toxins and noxious gases that seep into the blood. When the colon is polluted, the blood will also pollute. When the blood gets polluted, it cannot effectively remove waste from the cells. Hence, you can never be truly healthy when you are constipated.

Some of the toxin compounds formed during fermentation of food in the colon are with numerous potentially serious consequences. These include ammonia and amines (liver toxins), nitrosamines, indoles and skatoles (carcinogens), phenols and cresols (cancer promoters), estrogens (carcinogens and breast cancer promoters), secondary bileacids (carcinogens or active colon cancer promoters), aglycones (mutagens) and others.

Let think about this, the foul smell emitted when you leave meat debris in your rubbish bin for days. Terrible, isn't it? But when you think about it, this is exactly what happens in your body when you are constipated. Food waste, that include be days old, will be sitting in your colon, decaying, serving as a breeding ground for bad bacteria and parasites. As it builds up, it gets heavier and heavier, with you carrying all the load with you day after day. No wonder constipation makes you uncomfortable, bloated and lethargic.

When the interstitial fluid surrounding the intestinal wall is plugged-up with wastes, nutrient absorption will be hampered as well. This causes further decline in one's well being.

The effects of constipation are not just physical but can affect you in other ways. The results of a survey carried out by a specialist show that:

- 50% attested that constipation affected their ability to concentrates at work.

- 33% complained of backache when constipated.

- 75% said constipated made them feel tired or irritable.

- 1 in 4 said it affected their love life.

- 65% of people mentioned discomfort, fatigue and skin complaints as symptoms they associated with constipation.

When your colon is healthy, you will have two or more well-performed bowel movements a day. If you have to strain or have to read a magazine while you wait for a movement, then you are constipated. Another indication of constipation is when your stools are small and narrow, or if they are short or hard.

Unless you clean out the colon, you can never prevent the many health problems that can shorten your life or make your senior years a miserable time, and will never regain vibrant health. To clean out the colon, you must first, move your bowels daily, preferably twice. If you're suffering from constipation, and you don't want it to get worse, there is hope for you. To help get rid of your impacted bowel once and for all, you must start by making a few lifestyle changes, including eating a diet high in fiber, drinking plenty of healthful living water, and exercising.

If the diet lacks fiber, there's not enough bulk to push wastes through the colon. Even though diet is a major cause of sluggish colon, simply eating better food is not the solution. Many who have switched to a natural raw food, properly combined diet, would still be constipated, as matter have become so hardened and thickened that diet alone won't do the trick. When this happens, taking a safe herbal tea to aid the elimination and a high fiber supplements often works miracles to restore regular bowel movement.

Bardnurz Sham, a young nutritionist who devote his daily activities to food and nutritional science. Doesn't believe in chemical base source of food which contain preservative, coloring and acid base foods. Write an article to educate people so that they can improve their life by eat well and have a wonderful life.


Need Natural Colon Cleansing Read Here : BOWTROL Herbal Cleansing

Colon Cancer Test
Colon Cancer Treatment
Colon Cancer Surgery

Monday, November 17, 2008

Colon Cleanse Diet - Which Foods Help Colon Cleansing?

Colon cleansing is a popular heath program followed by many people, the world over. The various therapies associated with this program help to cleanse the intestines and the colon of years of accumulated waste matter encrusted on the lining of these organs.

There are several types of programs and therapies available for such colonic cleansing. Some are home remedies, others are advanced clinical therapies and some simply advise the use of scientifically researched herbal and allopathic compounds available in capsule or tablet forms. However, for all of these therapies to work properly the most important thing to take care of is the diet you follow during this regime. Each specific therapy comes with an associated comprehensive diet chart put together by researchers in the field, to complement the use of herbs and chemicals use for the cleansing program. Simply put, the therapies may not yield effective results if not accompanied by a requisite diet. Thus it is important to follow specific colon cleanse diets when you are cleansing your system.

Diet to Follow During Colon Cleansing

During a colon cleansing routine, some of the common diet tips need to be kept in mind. Try and eat fiber rich foods when following any colon cleansing routine. Portions of fresh fruits and vegetables are perfect for such a diet. You can even have a handful of various nuts to keep your energy levels up. Some people often opt of a juice based diet and avoid all kinds of solids.

When on such a program, it is important to stay away from non-fiber foods like noodles, hamburgers, junk and fatty foods, deep fried foods like chips, red meat, sausages, pork, bacon, pepperoni, canned or processed foods etc. All of these will slow down the results you will otherwise see when on a routine or sometimes, render it completely ineffective.

Avoid drinking any liquids which will dehydrate your system. This will have an adverse effect on your colon cleansing program. Stay away from all kinds of alcohol, coffee, fizzy drinks and sodas etc. IF possible, stick to plain water. It is considered to be a universal solvent and will aid the process of colon cleansing. Lemonade is also a great alternative to liquids.

Looking for a colon cleanse diet and the best salt water colon cleanse methods, visit where you will find tips, resources and articles about the best way to cleanse your colon using diet and natural methods.

Colon Cancer Signs
Colon Cancer Test
Colon Cancer Treatment

Blue Cohosh - Benefits and Uses of Blue Cohosh

Blue cohosh is derived from the aerial parts of the plant, its roots, and its rhizomes. Pharmacologic effects are attributed to several glycosides and alkaloids, such as caulosaponin and methylcytisine. Caulosaponin is responsible for the herb's oxytocic effects and its effects on coronary vasculature as well as its ability to stimulate intestinal contractions. Methylcytisine produces nicotinic effects; for example, it elevates blood pressure and blood glucose level, stimulates respiration, and increases peristalsis. Blue cohosh is available as capsules, decoction, dried powder, liquid extract, tablets, tea, and tincture.

Benefits And Uses of Blue Cohosh

Blue cohosh is used to treat colic, sore throat, cramps, hiccups, epilepsy, urinary tract infections, inflammation of the uterus, asthma, memory problems, hypertension, muscle spasms, worm infestation, anxiety, restlessness and pain during pregnancy, and labor pains. It's used to stimulate uterine contractions and induce menstruation, and as an antispasmodic, antirheumatic, diaphoretic, expectorant, and laxative.

Blue cohosh may also have some antimicrobial activity. Low doses of the extract may inhibit ovulation. The roasted seeds of the herb are commonly used as a coffee substitute.


Dried rhizome or root: 0.3 to 1 g by mouth three times a day .

Tea: 1 cup three times a day; prepared by steeping herb in 5 oz of boiling water, then straining .

Liquid extract 0:1 in 70% alcohol): 0.5 to 1 ml by mouth three times a day.

Clinical considerations

In the past blue cohosh has been listed as a drug in the USP and the National Formulary; however, because of serious safety concerns, its use isn't recommended.

The root of this herb can be toxic, and the danger associated with its use seems to outweigh the reported medicinal benefits.

Don't confuse blue cohosh with black cohosh.

Monitor patient's blood pressure and blood glucose, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, and protein bound iodine levels. . Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of overdose, which resemble those of nicotine toxicity. If overdose occurs, perform gastric lavage or induce vomiting, if needed.

Warn patient to avoid using blue cohosh during pregnancy, labor, and breast- feeding.

Tell patient to remind prescriber and pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.

Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

There is virtually no credible evidence that blue cohosh is effective for any of the conditions for which it has been used. Several published reports cite cases of serious adverse effects in infants, apparently caused by blue cohosh.

Read out for Home remedies Check out brewing green tea and swedish massage

Signs Of Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Signs
Colon Cancer Test

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Clean Colon Is the Body's First Line of Defense

Number one risk factor for colon cancer is age. Importantly, colon cancer is also one of the most curable forms of cancer. It has been well demonstrated that if colon cancer is caught in the earliest stages, the cure rate could be increased to 90%. Although colon cancer is among the most common forms of cancer, the number of new cases and the number of deaths attributed to the disease have declined in recent years due to improved screening and diagnostic techniques.

Diet and exercise play a huge role in prevention of colon cancer and other health related problems. Colon cancer prevention can help make colon cancer the number one preventable cancer. In the area of prevention, researchers are looking at the effects of curcumin (found in curry), resveratrol (found in red wine), ginger and the Mediterranean diet on the growth and development of colon cancer. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, which may play a role in cancer prevention. Cancer prevention is a lifelong plan including smart choices in our day to day lives. The Colon Cancer Prevention Program is open to all men and women over age 18 and is based in a newly renovated space conveniently located off the main Health Center lobby.

Diet may shield against two leading cancer killers. Diet is a factor, with red meat and animal fat topping the list of offenders. Studies have shown that a diet high in fat and calories and low in fiber can contribute to colon cancer. Dietary supplementation with 1500 mg of Calcium or more a day is associated with a lower incidence of colon cancer. A high fiber (vegetables) and low fat diet, regular exercise, maintenance of normal body weight and cessation of smoking are also beneficial. Though it is best to get one's vitamins from healthy diet, a recent study did show that women taking the RDA of Folic Acid and Vitamin B6 had a 70% less likely chance of colon cancer. Balanced and proper diet along with herbal cleansers will cleanse the colon over long periods of time but those with serious conditions need to take quick action.

A clean colon, that has a healthy balance of intestinal flora, is the body's first line of defense. Do whatever you can to lead a healthy lifestyle - including eating healthy foods, staying physically active, getting regular checkups and paying attention to your environment. Maintaining a healthy colon is one of the single most important steps you can take to detoxify your body of accumulated toxins and waste. This collaborative effort can help to generate widespread awareness of how to prevent the disease through a healthy lifestyle and regular screening. The benefits of conducting a colon cleansing have been lauded as long as I can remember (long time) as a means of eliminating accumulations of lingering waste from the digestive tract and leaving the body more healthy. In addition to flax seed, the psyllium in MetaCleanse encourages healthy elimination without chemical stimulants or laxatives and provides a daily source of dietary fiber to help maintain regularity.

Exercise has a strong protective effect against colon cancer, as does hormone replacement treatment in women. Exercise daily, keeping in mind that it is important to not overextend yourself while cleansing. Exercise stimulates movement through the bowel and reduces the time the colon is exposed to harmful substances(carcinogens) that may cause cancer. Studies have also found that exercise may increase colon cancer survival rates. I eat right, exercise 5 days a week, drink the minimum 8 glasses of water a day, and the first ingredient I read on a label is not the calories, but how much fiber it contains.

Natural colon cleanse is the most popular colon unclogging method today. Alternatively, several colon cleansers are packaged and supplied as part of a cleansing system that contains the colon cleansing components as a capsule or liquid that is taken with a glass of water plus nutritional shakes or snacks that have been formulated to complement the activity of the primary cleanser.

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Colon Cancer