Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When Will The Traditional And Holistic Health Care Blend Totally?

Having been a traditional Registered Nurse for over forty years, I have seen many changes in the health care field. Way back then, alternative types of medicine were not even talked about. Now, the yellow pages are filled with various types of practitioners.

However, it has not been a very easy task for the traditional doctor to practice alternative therapies. In fact a little over twelve years ago, I had a doctor friend of mine forced to give up his license or give up practicing chelating and other types of holistic medicine.

What do you think that he did? You guessed it right; he gave up his medical license. Now, you might ask yourself; why would he even have to be forced to make that choice. Why does the traditional medical field lack the acceptance and more so the willingness to learn about holistic medicine?

It has been widely discussed the lack of formal nutritional education in the medical schools. There has been much debate as to whether nutrition and cleansing improves health. Now, there have been changes in the last twelve years and the chiropractors and holistic doctors have fought the battle to stay in the wellness industry.

Even though they have made dramatic strides, the reality is that the traditional medical field is still on the whole fighting against the certain practices. Now, you might ask yourself why?

If the doctor goes to school to learn how to save lives and help people, would you not think that they would want to help their patients get well instead of fighting against modalities that saves lives; that helps people live quality lives instead of treating symptoms with drugs.

Of course that is another subject in itself the drugs. It is a reportable fact, that prescription drugs are responsible for hundreds of thousands of lives every year. These are the very drugs that are being approved by the illness model and prescribed by the traditional doctors who are fighting against the wellness models.

The statistics of deaths for wellness and holistic herbals is very low compared to the side effects and complications from the traditional medicine. Have you ever thought when a commercial comes on about a medication, the commercial talks about dizziness, possible strokes, nausea, liver problem, and on and on?

After that long disclaimer about the potential side effects, one might want to at least think about a wellness model that has less potential of keeping you ill instead of getting you well.

Now, is there a time and place for traditional medication? Is there a time and place for the alternative medication? And, here is the better question; why doesn't the traditional medical community embrace the wellness model? Why not have as many intelligent doctors, combine the traditional and the alternative therapies together? Why not have the pharmacies making their money with alternative nutritional types of medicine instead of fighting against the wellness model? Why not get people well and allow quality of life? Why not both?

About the Author Judy LaMont, R.N. MA.Sec Ed. is an Internet Consultant who shows Entrepreneurs how start their online home-based businesses in very easy simple steps. She resides in Orlando, Fl. and is well known for her Internet knowledge and dedication to helping people.

Judy can be reached at or at 407-832-1996. Go to her blog at:

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