Saturday, December 6, 2008

How To Recharge And Find Inner Peace With Incense

Incense is not just for pleasant smells, but a way to refresh your heart and mind. Incense is unlike other kinds of perfumes because it is designed to spread fragrance to its target immediately, creating an atmosphere or setting a tranquil pace for whatever activity is intended. Incense is a much better gift than cookies or cake; everyone can enjoy the same piece at one time and incense won't make anyone gain weight. The incense is burned by placing it directly on top of the heat source or on a hot metal plate in the censer or thurible.


Incense and Herbalism go hand-in-hand, and the oldest sources we have regarding herbalism and incense is the Indian Vedas. Initially, people used incense as herbal medicine to treat many diseases. Natural herbal incense has been used in India for thousands of years as offerings in the temples and for the purpose of meditation and yoga.


Ingredients vary from the familiar such as cinnamon, clove, and juniper, to the unfamiliar such as kusum flower, ashvagandha, or sahi jeera. They often contain ingredients entirely unfamiliar in the West and contain very complex scents. Many natural incense ingredients have almost no aroma until they are heated. The incense recipes are hundreds or even thousands of years old created from natural plant ingredients. Incense was such a desirable and thus valuable commodity in ancient times that its ingredients became important items of trade.


Burning incense is a healing, soothing and uplifting activity. Sandalwood is common to almost every incense formula, and serves as a wonderful base aroma as well as a burning agent of its own right. When burned, it creates a sweet enchanting fragrance which will linger long after the sticks have finished burning.


Fragrance can cause us to relax or feel refreshed or energized. Incense fragrances can be of such great strength that they obscure other, less desirable odors. Those made with Rose fragrance tend to be used for love spells, those scented with Jasmine for psychic and spiritual work, and those that bear a Musk aroma are favored in rites of sex magic or sacred sexuality. This emotionally uplifting fragrance can greatly enhance the sensual mood of lovers.


Incense is also used in medicine and for its aesthetic value. Incense can be a kind of mental stimulant which can transform the ordinary into the very special, and do so easily and at no great expense. In the present discipline of the Western Church incense is used at solemn Mass, solemn blessings, functions, and processions, choral offices, and absolutions for the dead. Pure incense is for bringing back positive memories or invoking good thoughts and feelings for the inner self.

Kim Harrison invites you to see incense and burners at Also, aromatherapy gifts at There is also a holiday video at

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