Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fibromyalgia Pain Medication - Targeting Pain and Other Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a condition that can make you feel like youve run a triathlon everyday but you didnt train for it. Tiredness and pain co-exists with other parts of your body. Certain points feel fatigued and tender even slight pressure can cause pain and you might even have trouble sleeping. But you dont have to suffer in silence. There is a host of fibromyalgia pain medication that can provide relief from symptoms.

Fibromyalgia medications

The main purpose of fibromyalgia medication is to relieve pain, which is the distinguishing characteristic of this condition and the rest target specific symptoms such as muscle spasm and sleeplessness.

Some of the most common fibromyalgia medications that are prescribed are analgesics both narcotic and non-narcotic. Non-narcotic are the only kind that are available over the counter with acetaminophens being the most commonly taken. Narcotic analgesics are only available on prescription, as there is the risk of becoming addicted to them so they need to be monitored. Pain relievers such as these reduce pain and ease joint and muscle stiffness.

Other fibromyalgia medications may also include NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include ibuprofen, naproxen sodium and aspirin. They are usually taken with other medications. Newer fibromyalgia medications such as norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and serotonin may also be prescribed to help stop pain, depression and fatigue.

For patients who have trouble sleeping, anti-depressants may be taken to help the body relax. Drugs that contain amitriptyline, doxepin and nortriptyline are commonly used.

While they do not directly target pain, anti-depressants are considered the most useful drugs for the treatment of fibromyalgia. However, there are a number of side effects that can arise from taking anti-depressants, so you should tell your doctor if you start experiencing anything abnormal.

Sometimes, short-term fibromyalgia medication may also be used by patients to treat severe or intermittent symptoms. Muscle relaxants, for example, are used to reduce incidence of spasms and minimize muscle pain. Drugs containing cyclobenzaprine are commonly taken. Anticonvulsants like pregabalin may also help some patients by decreasing pain and improving sleep.

To bring about restful sleep, sleeping pills may be used in conjunction with a prescribed fibromyalgia medication. They are quite an effective treatment, although they are only recommended for short-term use. Prescription pills like zolpidem may work initially, but the body may develop a resistance. Patients who have been using them for a while may no longer feel their effect and may even develop sleeping problems later on.

To a small group of people suffering severe joint and muscle pain, doctors might prescribe narcotic drugs. These come in stronger dosage and have been known to help a few, but there is no evidence that narcotic fibromyalgia medication can actually target chronic pain. Most doctors would avoid prescribing them to patients for long-term treatments because of the high possibility of developing chemical dependence.

For information on treating Fibromyalgia naturally, either alongside or without medication keep reading and sign up for the free newsletter below.

Fibromyalgia is a condition with a host of symptoms and there is no single cure for it yet. However, research has led to the improvement of diagnosis and treatment over the years and has even resulted to a good choice of fibromyalgia medications and supplemental drugs that can treat pain and other symptoms. There are a number of studies and research underway that are looking at new fibromyalgia pain medications which will hopefully provide safe and effective relief.

Sign up for Jane Thompson's free Fibromyalgia newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about fibromyalgia symptoms. In the newsletter you'll receive regular information like this article on overcoming Fibromyalgia along with additional natural treatments to help alleviate pain.

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