Sunday, December 21, 2008

Blueberries May Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Researchers from Rutgers University and the US Department of Agriculture have found that a naturally occurring key compound in blueberries, pterostilbene, may be able to prevent the onset of one of the most virulent and dreaded neoplasms, colon cancer.

Colon cancer, also known as bowel cancer or colorectal cancer, is characterized by growths in the rectum, colon and appendix. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the Western world and is the third most common form of cancer. Surgery is the most common treatment to remove the growths and is usually followed by chemotherapy.

How was the link between blueberries and colon cancer discovered? The Rutgers University researchers conducted a small study with eighteen rats for an eight week period. The test rats were given azoxymethane (a cancer causing agent) to induce colon cancer and were given a balanced diet, while half of the study rats were given supplemental amounts of pterostilbene. At the end of the study, it was found that the rats who were supplemented with the blueberry compound, pterostilbene, had 57 percent less pre-cancerous cells. They test subjects also showed a lesser degree of inflammation and had reduced cell division in the bowels, both considered risk factors for developing colon cancer.

Pterostilbene is a compound that is believed to exhibit anti-cancer, anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti-diabetic, anti-fungal, anti-hypertriglyceridemia properties. Pterostilbene is also thought to have the ability to fight off and reverse cognitive decline. Pterostilbene also happens to be a natural antioxidant and studies have further suggested that pterostilbene could potentially be helpful in lowering blood cholesterol.

Experts strongly suggest that the risk for colon cancer is increased by overeating, consuming high amounts of saturated fats and calories, and eating a lot of red and processed meat. To reduce this risk, leading health experts and nutritionists suggest eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables per day to protect the body against all cancers and other diseases, and to obtain natural sources of vitamins and antioxidants. Physical exercise is also thought to decrease the risk of developing colon cancer. Making these recommended lifestyle changes is thought to decrease the risk of colon cancer by up to 70 percent.

Pterostilbene is not only found in blueberries, but can also be found in grapes, red wine, sparkleberries, lingonberries and cranberries. The researchers are suggesting putting this powerful and potential cancer-fighting compound into a pill.

The author of this article is Tim Moore, writing for Vitamins Stuff, a site that offers information on Vitamins and Alternative Medicine.

Colon Cancer Cure
Diseases Of The Colon

Aromatherapy - a World of Fragrance

The ancient Egyptians used aromatherapy thousands of years ago. Aromatherapy, a word that derives from aroma meaning fragrance or smell and therapy meaning treatment is based on an ancient principle that the spirit and the body should be in harmony. Hippocrates claimed that the secret to good health was to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage each day.

Aromatherapy, the healing art of using essential oils extracted from aromatic plants for therapeutic purposes is enjoying a modern-day revival. Extracted from fruit, flowers and tress, blends of these essentials oils can be incorporated for their healing properties and create a particular aroma.

Each essential oil used in Aromatherapy can be used either alone or in combination with other oils to promote health and a sense of emotional well-being. A full Aromatherapy treatment combines the beneficial properties of essential oils with a warm relaxing massage.

While essential oils are considered to be safe to use, they are very powerful, highly concentrated substances which should be treated with a great deal of respect.

Some of the most common essential oils and their effects:

Chamomile: Soothing and harmonizing
Clove: Warming
Fennel: Clearing
Eucalyptus: Balancing and stimulating
Grapefruit: Refreshing
Jasmine: Soothing
Lavender: Calming and healing
Lemon: Cleansing and stimulating
Orange: Calming and energizing

Before beginning any Aromatherapy treatment, it is important to understand how each essential oil works. Do not use any oil that you are not familiar with. Certain oils should not be used during pregnancy or when breast feeding. Consult your local professional for advise on which Aromatherapy treatment best suits your needs.

Angie Kocsi is the founder of Spas in Canada. After many years enjoying the great spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world and a successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing Spas in Canada was created. Contact the spa team by email:

Spas in Canada Copyright 2005

Colon Cancer Research
Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Cancer Symptoms

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Acupuncture With Cupping is Effective Therapy

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of very fine needles into the body at defined acupuncture points. The needles are inserted over meridians that are energy channels, which circulate energy throughout the body. Acupuncture therapy clears the channels of any obstructions and relieves pressure that causes pain and illness. Common ailments are treated quickly and effectively with acupuncture and the therapy can reduce tension, ease backache, sciatica, arthritis, migraine and cramps, as well as rid the body of many diseases.

Fire cupping therapy, is a part of Chinese medicine that is used in conjunction with acupuncture, and involves applying pressure to an acupuncture point by creating a vacuum. Small glass jars or bamboo cups, about the size of a baby food container, are internally heated by fire and immediately applied to the acu-point. The rapidly cooling air within the jar creates a vacuum, and draws on the skin beneath, thus applying pressure to the acu-point. The suction pressure relieves stagnation in the affected channel and restores the flow of energy or qi, allowing the body to heal. Cupping therapy is a common traditional Chinese medicine treatment for respiratory tract infections such as, bronchitis and pneumonia. Muscular problems in the neck, shoulders and back can also be treated with cupping therapy.

Benefits attributed to the application of cupping include, stimulation of the blood vessels in an affected area, easing blood clots, clearing up bruised tissue and stimulating the body's circulation system. Cupping therapy is generally applied for about 15 minutes and leaves unsightly marks on the body for a few days. There is also a very slight risk of receiving minor burns, depending on the method of heating that is used. To allay patients fears, some cupping practitioners are now using suction pumps instead of heated vessels.

Oze Parrot is an author, publisher and Internet marketing consultant. Formerly a tourist operator and real estate business marketing consultant Location: Queensland, Australia. You may republish this article as long as you include the name of the author and provide an active link to:

Colon Cancer Stage
Stage 3 Colon Cancer
Stage Iv Colon Cancer

10 Questions That Could Immediately Determine Your Colon Health

Gastric pain, bloating in the stomach, mouth ulcer, farting and constipation are some of the signs telling you that your colon is in danger. If you ignore these signals, your health condition will deteriorate.

Most chronic diseases begin with a dirty and sluggish colon. Inquiring into the following 10 items, you can easily gauge for yourself the condition of your colon and how well it is functioning.

1. Are your daily meals fresh, nutritious, balanced and match your activities?
- Nutrition and sufficient fiber in your diet is of utmost importance to your well being.

2. Do you exercise at least 3-4 times a week?
- Exercises tone up muscles, especially the colon to enhance natural bowel movements

3. How well are you managing your stress?
- Tensions, emotional and mental stress affect your digestion and elimination process. Organs become sluggish and this causes chemical imbalance and abnormal secretions. All these will upset your body systems.

4. Do you drink coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks and smoke?
- All these raise toxic level in your body and upset the functions of your gastro-intestinal tract and nervous system.

5. Are you drinking sufficient clean water (at least 2 liters) daily?
- When thirsty, do you go for coffee, beverages, canned drinks, etc., instead of plain water? This habit causes dehydration which will alter the consistency of the mucous lining of the colon that helps lubricate the removal of wastes.

6. How well do you heed nature's call?
- Ignoring the urge to eliminate (bowel and bladder) stresses cells/tissues and organs, causing congestion of wastes and autointoxication eventually.

7. Do you have the tendency to use laxatives, antibiotics, pain killers?
- These eliminate friendly bacteria in your gut and cause intestinal flora imbalance, leaving a conducive breeding ground for harmful bacteria that contribute to chronic diseases. Laxatives irritate and weaken bowel tone for natural peristaltic movement in removing waste.

8. Are you living a healthy lifestyle?
- Irregular meals, poor choices of foods and late nights strain and weaken your immune system and nerve force that could affect bowel function.

9. How thorough is your elimination each time?
- Studies have prove that using the sitting toilet for elimination (sitting position) does not remove waste thoroughly from your bowel. Wastes left behind will harden and block the colon causing many chronic diseases. The squatting position eliminate wastes faster and complete without straining the colon and other organs.

10. Are you taking sufficient dosage of probiotics in your diet?
- Probiotics (friendly bacteria) supports digestion and absorption of nutrients. A good balance ratio of probiotics and bad bacteria is 85:15. Most people has the opposite ratio which is one of the reasons for chronic illnesses.

The above 10 inquiries are some main causes of poor colon functions. If you are experiencing any abnormal colon conditions, do not wait any further. Do seek support from your trusted health-care professional.

You may consider making adjustments to your diet and lifestyle too. Note that apart from colon cleansing, a healthy colon also needs sufficient water, good nerve and muscle tone, right amount of required nutrients and good circulation.

Elaine Tang is a Professional Colon Therapist. She uses Colema Therapy on her clients in the last 7 years. She is the owner of Colon Hydrotherapy Guide Blog. Click On The Site to read the interesting facts and must-know knowledge about Colon Cleansing and what is Colema Board.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Irritable Bowel Disease

Friday, December 19, 2008

What You Need To Know About Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the colon or rectum. That's why it's often labeled as colon cancer. Colorectal cancer attacks men and women of all racial and ethnic groups, and is most often found in people aged 50 years or older. There is an explanation for the age factor of course, and it's probably quite obvious for all of you.

As we get older, more and more toxins are detained in our body from all the processed food we eat, polluted air, water and the entire environment. On top of that, the immune system is getting weaker, so eventually it all adds up and we get more prone to suffering from all types of diseases, not just this form of cancer. But as a matter of fact, statistics point out that in the United States, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer after lung and prostate cancers. In the case of females, this type of cancer is the third most common cancer after breast and lung cancers.

So as you can see, in our country, colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer, but it doesn't have to be that way. The best way to tackle this problem is to have all people aged 50 or older examined at least once a year. It's proven that regular colorectal cancer screening can saves lives. If the cancer is discovered at an early stage it can be successfully removed. During the process of colorectal cancer screening, doctors can find abnormal growths in the colon and they can remove before they even turn into cancer. Also, if caught at an early stage, treatment can lead to cure. So my advice to is to have regular colon cancer tests once you turn 50, and continue those tests at regular intervals.

To get an understanding of what colorectal cancer is you should first know what cancer is in the first place. Regardless of the type, in general, cancer is a group of diseases in which there is abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. If this growth is left as is, without any outside treatment, it leads to malignant cells which start to spread out to other parts of the body, soon affecting the entire organism. In the case of colorectal cancer, the word "colorectal" stands for the colon and rectum, which together make up the large intestine. It can occur in the large intestine. The majority of colorectal cancers begin as polyps-abnormal growths-inside the colon or rectum that may become cancers over a long period of time.

You can find out more about Colorectal Cancer as well as much more information on everything to do with colon health at

Colon Cancer Signs
Colon Cancer Test
Colon Cancer Treatment

What Are The Advantages of Mesotherapy? Cellulite Reduction And Elimination

Mesotherapy is one of the most popular methods of weight loss and cellulite reduction and elimination in the United States these days. The treatments and applications of mesotherapy has gained acceptance in the cosmetic world and in other areas as well.

There are several cosmetic procedures that use the methods of mesotherapy. Face and neck procedures that rejuvenate and replenish the skin. Facial treatments that use the method replenishes essential minerals and vitamins back into your skin. The advantages and benefits it are numerous not to mention that it truly delivers great results.

Sculpting and creating all the right contours in the body is one of the applications mesotherapy and compared to liposuction, it is more effective and less expensive. Weight loss application with it works with results and unlike liposuction; there is no subsequent weight gain that results to the distribution of remaining fat cells in other parts of the body. The fat found in the cells are removed, one of the its many advantages; unlike liposuction where not only the fat is removed from the cell but the cell as well.

Cellulite reduction and elimination with treatment works quite effectively. The method improves cellulite conditions by enhancing lymphatic and venous circulation, dissolving fat lobules and techniques that treat dimpled areas of the skin.

It has a lot of advantages compared to any other methods. With it, you don't have to worry about painful surgery because the method of treatments are non surgical in most cases. Compared to liposuction and other traditional modalities, it offers natural-looking results and inexpensive financing costs.

Treatments using the method leaves no visible scars. It will not require extended period for recovery purposes as well. You can return doing your daily activities as you may feel like it, you don't have to take time off your work.

The cost of is not that expensive. It will vary depending on many factors such as your goals, the size of the area that will receive the treatment, necessary medications and the numbers of treatment required. Most applications involve series of sessions. Usually there are 8 to 12 session of treatments scheduled at least 1 week interval.

Aside from inexpensiveness, one of the advantages that require multiple treatments is the discounts offered when you order the needed supplies and medications in bulk. Most applications give significant discounts to regular clients.


No needle mesotherapy

Mesotherapy results

Dr. Jim Greene would like to invite you to visit the resources above if you are interested in learning more about mesotherapy and its many benefits.

Stage 2 Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Prevention
Colonoscopy Procedure

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Title: Using Rhubarb for Constipation

Vegetables like fruits and their juices have healing properties because of the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals they have. For constipation, vegetables are an excellent source of minerals and fiber. In addition there are specific vegetables and their juices that stimulate the colon become more active.

The benefits of Vegetables

Juices are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, your cells are provided quickly with nutrients that feed them and that wash away waste. Juices give you the opportunity to get quick relief from various body conditions such as constipation. Juices move into your colon quickly to cleanse it and to activate peristaltic action.

Eating and drinking vegetables and their juices provide you with minerals and nutrients that build your blood, tissue, bones, and cells. It is minerals that build every part of your body. It is minerals that keep your bodys pH at the required level. It is minerals that keep your body alkaline by neutralizing body acids.

It is minerals that build your colon wall tissues and cells so your colon can perform those activities that prevent constipation.

Keep in mind that some natural recipes for clearing constipation require drinking vegetable juices that are bitter or have a strong taste. As you will find, some of the vegetable juices taste good and some dont. Remember you are dealing with a condition that needs clearing and that what you drink for this is not for pleasure.

As you drink some of these vegetable juices, you may find that you like certain ones and these can become your regular daily or weekly drink.

James A. Duke, PhD, in his book, The Green Pharmacy, gives the following constipation remedy using rhubarb,

Rhubarb has strong laxative action so it is best to use it with other juices. Heres how you can use this herb. Blend together three stalks of rhubarb, without leaves, 1 cup of fresh apple juice, and one quart of peeled lemons and one tablespoon of honey or maple syrup. This tart drink will help you with your constipation. Drink one glass three times a day.

A smaller quantity of this rhubarb drink would be,

Blend three stalks of rhubarb, - peeled lemon, a teaspoon of maple syrup, and cup of fresh organic apple juice. You may add more syrup if the taste if to harsh for you. Dont use rhubarb leaves since they contain toxic chemicals.

Use rhubarb only raw since it is high in oxalic acid. Use it sparingly and do not cook it. Cooking converts the organic oxalic acid into inorganic oxalic acid. The body does not easily absorb inorganic oxalic and it forms crystal deposits in the kidney and throughout the body.

If you have arthritis or gout, do not use rhubarb.

In other articles, I will be discussing the use of other vegetables that provide good constipation relief.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid e-books. He writes a newsletter called and his information on other topics can be seen at or at

Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Risk
Colon Cancer Diagnosis

The Marvels of the Large Intestine

Ever wonder how long food takes to leave the body? Well, under good conditions, within 8 to 10 hours, food has passed through the small intestine and is mostly digested when it then enters the final digestive process.

The colon contains 6 sections called: the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid and rectum. Situated at the extreme end of the cecum is the worm-like organ called the appendix. It's about 3 inches long and is often the source of inflammation because of lodged food and bacteria causing painful appendicitis.

The colon, unlike the small bowel, has a mucous lining or membrane which is smooth and contains no villi. Surrounding thus mucous layer is a muscular coating consisting of circular internal muscles and longitudinal external muscles s found in the small bowel. The colon is shaped into bulbous pouches called haustras. Haustras are composed of muscles which contract to gather the colon up into a puckered appearance and which allow for a great deal of expansion.

The colon ends in the rectum and anus, the exterior opening where elimination takes place. The anus is held closed by the anal sphincter muscle.

The lining of the rectum contains mucus and is striated in length-wise segments giving a fluted appearance. Generally the nerve supply to the colon is not prolific and therefore sensory impulses are very weak. Colonic activity is unfelt for the most part, as a result. An exception is found in the rectum where nerve endowment is greater and thus there is the pain associated with hemorrhoids and other tears and fissures.

For more information about the functions of our colon and how to care for it, see:

Colon Cancer Chemotherapy
Colon Cancer Cure
Diseases Of The Colon

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Benefits of Having a Colon Cleanse

When you have unwanted toxins in your colon, you may need to have a colon cleanse to feel better and live healthier. When you are feeling sick and depressed, it may be from the bad waste that it inside your colon. It is going to be important to remove these items so that you can feel better and live a longer life.

Having a colon cleanse can help you loose weight. By loosing the bad things that are stored inside your body, you will be helping your body to digest food better so that you can get the nutrients that your body needs and loose weight better and faster. You can also protect your other organs inside the body from harm. You will find that cleansing your colon will make your entire body feel more relaxed and calm as well.

When you get a colon cleanse you can also help protect your body from sickness and getting certain diseases. There is an epidemic of colon cancer and it is something that needs to be addressed. When you take care of your colon and do the proper cleansing, you will lessen your chances of having colon problems later in life and developing colon cancer.

You can also clear your mind by having a colon cleanse. You will be able to release all the bad toxins in your body and this will allow your head to clear and you will have the ability to think better and be more alert. You may also be able to enjoy life more and it may also improve your sex drive as well.

You can also rid your body of the aches and pains that you may have when you have a good colon cleanse. Your body will be able to more freely and easier when you are taking the waste from your body. This is a great idea for anyone that has body pains and unexplained aches that cannot be controlled any other way.

Cleansing your colon will improve your skin tone and the way that it feels. You will find that you can reduce the signs of aging and feel younger than you are when you get a colon cleanse. You will be replenishing your body and allowing the good nutrients to return which will allow your body to feel better and work more efficiently. With a good colon cleanse, good heating habits and regular exercise, you can ensure a healthy body and years of enjoying life.

Anyone can have colon cleanse. There are herbs and drinks that you can take or you can visit a place that offers a colonics. This is a procedure that will take the toxins from your body with a machine and you will instantly feel the results in your body. This procedure sounds invasive and scary but it is not as bad as it sounds. It will make you look and feel better and it will be a procedure that will make you feel alive and years younger!

About the author:
Magne Bjorklund:
Please also visit:

Colon Cancer Awareness
Colon Cancer Research
Colon Cancer Screening

Some Answers To Colon Cancer Questions

1. What is colon cancer?

Cancer is a disease which can affect cells from all organs. The colon cancer affects the cells of the colon, determining them to proliferate in an uncontrollable way. This mass of abnormal cells will form a tumor inside the colon. The cancer of the intestine is quite frequent and two thirds of this type of cancer is situated in the colon.

2. Who can develop colon cancer?

You are at risk of developing colon cancer if you drink a lot of alcohol and you are obese. Also if other members of your family had colon cancer or breast cancer you could inherit some genes that make you more sensible to cancer. If you have polyps on your intestine and you leave them untreated for a long time, they can transform into malign polyps, meaning that cancer had occurred.

3. Is my diet involved in cancer development?

Following a diet which is rich in fats and proteins could expose you to cancer. If you eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and high fiber foods you can prevent colon cancer from occurring.

4. Does colon cancer come with any symptoms?

There are some symptoms which could announce that cancer is installing, but they also appear in other diseases. Some of the symptoms are: seeing blood in your bowels, alternation of diarrhea with constipation, and low abdominal pains.

5. How does the doctor know that I have cancer?

The doctor will perform a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy to examine the insides of the colon. Also x-rays of the colon will be performed. These methods will see if tumors are present inside the colon. In order to stage colon cancer CT and ultrasound will be used.

6. Can colon cancer be treated?

Generally the most indicated procedure in trying to treat colon cancer is surgery. By surgery the doctors will remove the tumor from the colon. If the cancer spread, giving metastasis, the doctors will recommend you chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These are hard bearable due to their side effects like nausea, vomiting, loss of hair, fever, and tiredness.

7. Is the treatment effective or not?

If the colon cancer was diagnosed in its early stages and it has not spread to other organs the treatment will be 90% effective and patients will survive even five years after. If the cancer has given metastasis the treatment will not be so effective any more and half of the diagnosed patients will live less that five years.

For greater resources on colon cancer or especially about colon cancer symptoms please visit this link

Colon Cancer Risk
Colon Cancer Diagnosis
Stage 4 Colon Cancer